Monday, February 8, 2010

UNplugged Recap

What a fantastic night we had at UNplugged this week! Not only were the renovations to the campus an added benefit, but more importantly the level of dialogue was outstanding!! I am so blessed to be the pastor and member of a church where people are hungry for God and are desperate to understand and apply His word to their lives.

I had anticipated spending most of the evening talking on the salvation of Abraham after his death, but our people kept extracting more and more content from the preceding text. In short, what resulted from tonight's discussion was the following truths:

1 - The Bible is first and foremost a theology book. All of its content deals with who God is, and who we are in relationship to Him.

2 - We are saved by the will and actions of God, not the will and actions of ourselves.

3 - The salvation of God should cause us to lives of constant praise and repentance. If we have truly been elected by God solely because of His will and love for us, then we should be His most dedicated and humble servants. We must never grow tired or complacent for His love and favor, for in so doing we cast doubt upon our justification.

4 - Christians are not perfect, but they do the perfect thing: THEY REPENT!!!

It was a fantastic night that ended with hours of worship in the presence of the Lord. Again, I am honored to be your pastor and brother in the family of God. I'm looking forward to a phenomenal report for those who attended to hear of what God is doing through you and who else the Lord has saved in your life.