Thursday, February 11, 2010

UNleashed Returns

There are countless songs about rejoicing in the Lord and how He has made me glad, or how I‘ve got the joy (joy, joy, joy, joy) down in my heart. Why is it so rare, then, to see someone crack a smile during a worship service? It’s overwhelmingly more common to see people sobbing, and while there are definitely times of worship that should result in remorse and repentance that will cause an emotional response, where is the unspeakable joy that the Bible mentions?

Do we forget that Jesus rose from the dead? Do we neglect that our lives have been transformed by a God who desires to know us intimately? Is that transformation not worth celebrating? Do we think that if we don’t end up with tears rolling down our cheeks that we didn’t worship hard enough?

This week, we’ll be studying Psalm 104:31-35, where God is praised for His creation. The word “rejoice” occurs twice in this brief passage, which should get your attention. Since we’re supposed to be rejoicing, let’s be sure we do it in a way that is pleasing to God. We should make time to enjoy the presence of the Lord, and that’s exactly what we’ll be doing this Thursday night.

- Johanna

UNleashed: Worship Bible Study

Thursdays @ 8:00pm

INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)