Monday, December 28, 2009

UNplugged Tonight

Once again we are hit with the hard truths of life inside the Abraham narrative. This week, Abraham deals with the death of his wife in unusual fashion. (In fact, it is so unusual that few people even recognize it.) After spending one verse weeping at the side of his dead wife, he rises up and spends 18 verses buying property. Is this the mark of a loving husband, or a guy who just inherited a life insurance policy?

The reality is that Abraham's actions following the death of his wife should serve as very encouraging signs to all of us who love Jesus. The man runs to the side of wife and weeps. His best-friend for the past 75 years is gone, and he misses her. But, he does not die at her side or wait for his own death. Rather, the man rises up and keeps serving Jesus while honoring his wife. Abraham goes off and buys a field not only for a resting place for his wife's body, but as an inheritance for all of his descendants as they wait for the full inheritance of the land. Sarah is honored and God's will is fulfilled, all because Abraham loves his wife and his God.

This week, we look at what it means to mourn as Christians. For Christians, death is not the final stop in life, but rather an entryway into eternal life. We are not to mourn as those without hope (I Thess. 4;13), but rather rejoice that we are finally standing in the presence of our Lord (2 Cor. 5:8). The world around us knows nothing of death, and we all have been deceived by its lies. Join us tonight as we celebrate life inside the covenant of God!

UNplugged: Bible Study
Monday Nights @8pm

INSIDE FHCC Storefront

(6708 Ingram St, FHills)