Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Get to Know FHCC Missions

Brother Josh - Israel

This past Sunday we featured songs from my buddy Josh's debut album, "Bo Yeshua." Josh is a friend of mine from PA, who comes from a Jewish background and has received Jesus as his Lord and Messiah. Josh and I had lost contact over the years, however, during the the process of support raising to move my family to NYC, our paths crossed while he was youth pastor at a church in central Pennsylvania. It was great to not only remember times growing up, and to see exciting to see God using Josh to reach youth, but even more encouraging was to learn of Josh's burden to reach his fellow Jewish people with the Gospel.

Since that reunion almost 5-years ago, Josh and his amazing family have remained faithful to the Lord, and humbly looked forward for the next step of ministry in their life. It's been great for my family and I to see the hand of the Lord guide them, unite them, and ultimately bring clarity as to HOW they were going to be used in reaching the Jewish community for Messiah. Turns out, that God's calling was not going to simply require a move to a different church and people group, but to an entirely different country!

This past summer, Josh and his beautiful family moved to Israel and became official citizens of the country. Their desire is not to simply minister for a season, but rather to commit their lives to serving God in their new country! They have a tremendous amount of skills and abilities, and it is my honor to not only be their friend, but also the pastor of a local church that supports their call to ministry.

Josh and his family need our help. Moving locally is expensive; moving internationally is VERY expensive. It will take Josh and his family a significant amount of time to adjust to their new country and culture and to find employment that will make full-time ministry possible. They need financial help to see them through this phase in their life. (In fact, Josh's incredible worship album was recorded live as a means to honor the Lord and raise funds for his new life of ministry.)

As a church, we would like to commit to financially supporting Josh and his family through our "Missions" account. Every month, 5% of FHCC's income is set aside to further the ministry of Jesus beyond the capacity of our local church. Yet, some of you have gone beyond this generic level of support, and have made personal commitments to give a set amount each month above and beyond your weekly tithes (a.k.a. Missions Faith Promise). These commitments have made it possible to take on the ministries of eight different missionary families! But, we want to do more...

Will you please consider making a Faith Promise (forms available by request or talking with Cathi) and enabling us to support Josh and his family through this exciting ministry to the Jewish people of Israel? Will you commit to pray for this family, for their struggles in a new land and culture, and for many people to come to know Jesus as Messiah? Will allow God to use you globally? I pray you say "yes," because if it were not for others supporting my family and I in prayer and finances, Forest Hills Community Church would not exist, and many in our church would still not know Jesus. We are all blessed when we give to Jesus!