Tuesday, December 1, 2009

UNashamed - End Times: Part 1

With Creation, Humanity, Sin, Redemption and Sanctification under our belts, it is time to move into a discussion on things yet to come. Over the next two weeks we will be looking at such topics as: The Second Coming of Jesus, the Millennial Reign, Final Judgment of the living and the dead, and eternity with God. All of these matters are not only necessary for a defense against false teachings and expectations, but more importantly, because our understanding of the future dictates how we live our current lives.

Tonight we will begin our Eschatalogical discussion on the Second Coming of Jesus and His Millennial Reign. Many pop-culture books (the "Left Behind" series, for example), movies, TV evangelists, and late night talk show hosts have done much to propagate and fictionalize this event, but the truth is that Jesus really will come again soon! But, will there be a warning before He comes? Can Jesus really come at any moment? Will Christians go "up" to meet Jesus, or will He simply come down to us? And what happens to all the non-Christians at the time of this Second Coming?

Get ready for a night of "no nonsense" Biblical exegesis! Many myths, fantasies, and Christian folklore will fall to the wayside tonight as we take a hard look at these questions (& any other questions you can think of). We'll then wrap up the night with a time of worship and fellowship. Bring a friend and we will see you at UNashamed!

UNashamed: Bible Doctrines Class
Tuesday Nights @ 8pm

FHCC Campus
(6708 Ingram St)