Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Snow Miracle

This weekend, NYC (and the entire Northeast) got pummeled with multiple inches of snow. Here in Queens, we racked up between 10-12 inches and it literally brought the city to a halt. However, we had to have church this Sunday despite the weather for a number of reasons.

#1 - since we use a movie theater for our church services, if they are "open," then we are required to pay the weekly rental fee no matter our attendance or even the ability of the church staff's (including the pastor's) ability to attend. Our theater is one of the top theaters in Queens, and they NEVER close! For us to bail would be an incredible waste of God's money.

#2 - it's the last Sunday before Christmas! Many people who never attend church throughout the year, make it a point to at least attend this specific Sunday and Easter Sunday. With such an opportunity to reach unsaved people, how could we NOT have church?

#3 - we're in the middle of an intense passage in our current sermon series! Since January 4, 2009, we have been preaching our way through the book of Genesis. We have read and preached every single word in the book, and we have now come to the place in the Abraham narrative where God asks him to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. How could we not preach this salvific and magnificent passage on the Sunday before Christmas?

#4 - it's about the word, not attendance. (This point goes hand-in-hand with the previous point, but in a slightest different direction.) Even if it was just myself in church today, it would be worth it because my being there and preaching would enable us to record and Podcast our message. Hundreds, if not thousands, who may be trapped at home, stuck on a train, or whatever will still be able to learn about God's salvation so long as the church would conduct a service.

#5 - church is all about Jesus! I love going to church, hanging with my fellow believers, meeting new people, worshipping Jesus in music and the word, and praying for people to begin a relationship with Jesus, or strengthen an already established relationship. I love being in the midst of God's presence and seeing Him work. And, YES, He is alive and active outside of Sunday mornings, but you cannot argue the uniqueness of a Sunday morning worship environment. We had to have church this Sunday!

Despite an incredibly difficult journey to get to the theater in the snow (I had to shovel several members out and take advantage of 4-wheel drive), we had a fantastic turnout this Sunday! People came ready to worship, ready to hear from Jesus, ready to get serious about living in obedience, and ready to lay it all down for Him. People were saved today and all were blessed. I am so glad we didn't cancel, and I am so glad for technology that makes it possible for all to hear about Jesus, even when they are trapped indoors because of snow. Thank God, it's all about Jesus!