Thursday, December 10, 2009

Channukah & Christianity

This Saturday night marks the first night of the 8-day holiday of Channukah (there are many different ways to spell it, so relax). This historical holiday celebrates the Israeli patriots revolt and victory over the Greek occupation of Jerusalem in 2nd Century BC. A Jewish patriot named, Matitiyahu Maccabee (and later his son, Judah), led a victorious uprising against the Syrian-Greek army in Jerusalem and celebrated in rededicating the Temple to the God of Israel. This dedication process focused on the relighting of the giant menorah (seven arm candle holder) inside the main hall of the temple. The problem was, however, that there was only enough oil in the lamp to burn for one day. The miracle of Channukah then took place in that the Lord Himself caused the lamp to burn for eight days until a supply of oil could be brought in. God's miraculous provision, coupled with the the Maccabee's zeal, is now celebrated every year in commemoration and celebration in the feast of Channukah (Hebrew word for "dedication").

While Channukah is primarily a Jewish holiday, there is significant application for the life of the Christian. In fact, it is interesting to note that even Jesus celebrated this holiday during His life on this earth (John 10:22 "Feast of Dedication"). Therefore, over the next couple of days, I would like to share some of these applications with you on this blog. My prayer is not only that you grow in your love for Jesus, but also that you will take these Biblical truths and share them with your Jewish friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, first and foremost, and nothing would be cooler than to see our Jewish community dedicate their lives in humble submission to Him this holiday season.

Messiah-Mas: 2009 Kid's Holiday Festival
Sunday, Dec. 13th - 2:00 to 4:00pm

INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)