Thursday, December 3, 2009

UNashamed Wrap Up

Well, if you missed UNashamed this week, you missed a lot! Focusing on the first two key elements of Eschatology, we discussed the events leading up to the "Day of the Lord" (Final Judgment) and the impending return of Messiah that will signal its arrival. And while almost every book of the Bible deals with certain aspects of this subject and its events, none could be more clearer than the words of Jesus in the Gospels of Matthew (ch. 24), Mark (ch. 13), and Luke (ch. 21).

From these three accounts, it becomes obvious that the following are the conditions to which must occur before the Return of Messiah and His triumphant and final judgment of all humanity.

1 - Increase of false Messiahs (saviors), Prophets (miracle workers) and Teachers (preachers)

2 - World Wars and Plight (man's condition and security will weaken)

3 - Widespread persecution of, and Evangelization by, the Church (Christians will continue their preaching of the Gospel, and the world will not respond with favor, but with violent hostility)

4 - Increase in both personal and corporate evil, even amongst the alleged "Church" (humanity will become increasing prone to evil, including by some who were once number among the Christians)

5 - Rise of Satan's unholy "trinity:" Satan (wannabe God), Anti-Christ (wannabe Jesus & Savior who will be under the complete influence of satan) and False Prophet (wannabe Holy Spirit type person who will proclaim the alleged greatness of the Anti-Christ)

6 - Cosmic Chaos (the stars in heaven will fall and proclaim the evil of man and the coming judgment of God)

But are all of these impending events still to take place, or have some of them already found fulfillment in the many events that have taken place since Jesus first spoke them 2,000 years ago?