Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Eve Service

For the first time, Forest Hills Community Church is finally able to hold its very own Christmas Eve service. The campus will be lit by candlelight, wonderful live Christmas music will be performed, and we'll give an opportunity to reflect on the wonder of Jesus' birth. It is going to be an awesome experience, and we pray that you and your family will be able to join us for this special 1-hour event at the FHCC Campus location.

Let's face it: no one's life is perfect, and no one's life could possibly live up to the hype that commercialism places on the Christmas experience. We all buy crappy gifts, the gifts we get never last as long as we would like, we always feel sick and fat after dinner, and the day is never long enough, snowy enough, cold enough, "Hallmarky" enough, etc. Thus, it is easy to go into Christmas depressed and/or delusional with unrealistic expectations. For so many, Christmas is just a prozac moment waiting to happen. But, it doesn't have to be!

The biblical story of Christmas is all about simplicity and humility. The God of heaven and all eternity enters into time, arriving in a city of no more than a hundred or so people in a desert wasteland. He comes not as a regal and triumphant being, but rather as a helpless baby. His parents are not kings or leading citizens, but rather poor nobodies who come from a region in their country where a huge social stigma exists. Despite historical revisionism, there is no pageantry at His birth, but only a couple of livestock and some hillbilly shepherds. These are the facts surrounding the first Christmas, and this is exactly how God planned it to be: simply family and simply God.

Please consider joining us this Thursday night for a time of simply family and simply Jesus. Allow God the opportunity to put not just the holiday, but your life, back in perspective. Allow Him the joy of reminding you that it is all about His love for you. Allow us, His church and family, the opportunity to love on you. Let's celebrate the holiday with historical integrity; let's be all about Jesus and family.

FHCC Christmas Eve Service
Thursday, Dec. 24 @ 6:30pm
INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)
1-hour "kid friendly" service with refreshments following