Monday, December 26, 2011

Our Values: It's About Christians Serving the World Like Jesus

Value #4:  It’s all about Christians serving the World like Jesus.

At Forest Hills Community Church we seek to live life on a mission.  We recognize the power, grace and mercy of God and want to communicate that truth to everyone.  We also understand that our lives are not our own to satisfy our desires and needs.  We are “image bearers of God” (Gen. 1:27), and seek to do His will and pleasure with every breath.  Therefore, we go and do what most people (including religious people) do not often do.  Our model for life is Jesus who left the glory and pleasure of Heaven for the despair and pain of earth (Phil. 2:4-8).  This does not mean that we seek misery (we’re not sadist), but rather that we do not flee from it when it leads to the benefit of others.

At FHCC we give our time (our being), our treasure (our resources), and our talents (our unique gifts and abilities) to the welfare of others meeting and knowing Jesus.  This means that we go everywhere people are to introduce people to Jesus.  Whether this means crossing the street, country or globe, we’re doing it!  And when we, personally, are not able to go to the other side of our neighborhood, country, or street, we send money and resources so other Christians can.  And just as Jesus came to earth culture and context, sparing no method or cost, we, too, seek to reach all people in their language and culture.

At Forest Hills Community Church it’s all about Jesus, which means it’s also about us living and serving the world like Jesus.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Our Values: It's about Christians Living Like Jesus

Value #3: It’s all about Christians Living like Jesus.

At Forest Hills Community Church we have great disdain for hypocrites.  Not only do their words and behaviors hurt, but they also destroy any credibility of the person or his message.  The bible calls such behavior “sin” bearing the consequence of death (Rom 6:23).  Jesus came to save us from this deadly lifestyle and grant us right standing.  As human beings, our sole purpose is to live a lifestyle in accordance to God’s glory (Gen. 1:27).  This means that we must live “holy” lives, and God knows this impossibility of this task in our own power and strength.  No one can live right without the power of God motivating and inspiring from the inside out.  Again, God knows or weakness and His commandment, therefore, He has given all Christians the person and power of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5:5 and I John 4:13).

The Holy Spirit is not personal force or inner-conscience of man. Nor is He an impersonal attribute of God.  The Holy Spirit is God, just as Jesus and the Father over all.  He shares the same power and essence and, like the other two members, He has a unique role and gift towards Creation.  Specifically, for those who believe in Jesus as Lord, He is the gift of power and holy living (living how God directs us to live) (Rom. 8:12-17). Jesus saves us from sin, and the Holy Spirit leads us away from future sin.

Yet, the gift of the Spirit is not just to protect us from negative consequences, He also inspires and empowers us for positive effect: Christian witnessing (Luke 12:12).  As Christians who are part of Forest Hills Community Church we strive to live a life pleasing to God and attractive to the world around us.  In doing so, we not only bring glory to God, but also hope and salvation to the world Jesus died to save.  We never want to be labeled hypocrites, which is synonymous with sinners and a curse word by our culture.  We are not people who hide behind a belief, but seek to proclaim in word and deed the power of Jesus.  Therefore, we live like Jesus to that the world might both see and hear Jesus, and believe.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Our Values: it's all about others meeting Jesus

At Forest Hills Community Church we care very much about those who do not know or believe in Jesus, because we were once one of them.  Even if one of us grew up “in the church,” this does not mean that we did not sin or think lesser of Jesus than He is.  All of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God we were called to bear (Rom. 3:23 and Gen 1:27).  Yet, in God’s great love and mercy He sent Jesus to forgive sin and save us.  That salvation came not through a great epiphany, but through a Christian witness.  All us know Jesus because someone who already knew Jesus came and shared Him with us.  We are the product of both God and others' mercy.  In fact, this is what being a Christian is all about: telling the world about Jesus (Matt. 28:19-20).  Therefore, while we love hanging out with one another and enjoy our common belief and fellowship, we recognize that our duty is to serve others, not ourselves.

At Forest Hills Community Church we are committed to being active OUTSIDE of the church building.  We hit the streets before and after work and hand out invitations to church.  During our lunch hours we invite co-workers to have lunch with us to talk about Jesus and answer their questions (not merely hear our story or belief).  When we come to church, we give both our time and treasure to reaching people who do not know or believe in Jesus.  We are committed to speaking the language of our community and communicating Jesus in the context of our culture.  This does not mean that the Bible message changes, but rather only the practices of telling these eternal truths.  Like Jesus, we seek to meet Lost people where they are.

We know what its like to be without Jesus.  We know the emptiness, the dissatisfaction, and rationalizing of misery.  We know that life without Jesus is hollow and hurting.  Therefore, we, as people in love with Jesus, are committed to seeing Lost people reached for Jesus.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Our Values: It's all about Jesus

At Forest Hills Community Church we desire to possess a Passionate Love For Jesus in all things.  This may seem like a no-brainer for a church, but tragically most people merely use Jesus as a stepping-stone to personal enjoyment, fulfillment, or spirituality.  At FHCC, we know that not only is such a position nonsense (illogical), but more importantly heretical.  The truth is that is God, and when He occupies any other position that such in our lives, everything fails and falls apart.  In fact, it is precisely this low-view of Jesus that leads most people to despair of life and the Christian faith.  When people go through life only proclaiming Jesus rather than leaning on Jesus, they fail and Jesus gets all the blame.  The bible teaches us that Jesus can only save you, if you’re hanging on to (believing in) Jesus. (When “faith” is referenced in regards to salvation, it is almost always in verb form “believing in.”  In fact, the Hebrew of Gen 15 actually draws its meaning from the image of a baby clinging to/resting securely in its mother’s arms.)

At FHCC, we love Jesus because He is God and He alone saves us.  As beings created in the “image of God (Gen 1:27),” we can either live in dependence on God or rebel by doing our own thing.  When we choose life outside of dependence (faith) in God, we fail and come under the condemnation of God and sin (John 3:18).  We’re literally dead men walking and incapable of saving ourselves from our consequences or death.  Hence the glory and majesty of Jesus!  He comes by His own will and merit to save us from ourselves.  He does not save us partially, or temporarily, but eternally (Rom. 8:1).  Jesus is our hero and we love Him for it!

At Forest Hills Community Church it’s all about Jesus, because it has to be.  He alone is God and good.  Therefore, we love praying (talking to Jesus), reading our Bibles (hearing from Jesus and receiving His instruction), going to church (learning more about Jesus from others and helping others grow closer to Jesus), and going out into the world proclaiming Jesus (in both word and deed to a people, who like us, are undeserving).  Jesus is our everything.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas Outreach

The second biggest Christian holiday of the year is upon us, and God has given us an incredible means to carry out His command to invite our neighbors to hear about Jesus.

We all know that we should tell others about Jesus and invite them to church, but it always so hard.  You never know what to say.  You never know if you are making any sense?  And you never know if your conversation had any real effect?  Well, we have a tool that can change all of that!

A major Christian publisher has put together the perfect invitation kit.  Each kit contains:
    •    1 door-hanger bags
    •    1 ESV Outreach New Testaments, Christmas Edition
    •    1 copies of Max Lucado's tract, The Good News of Christmas
    •    1 invitation to FHCC Christmas Eve service

FHCC will be order several of these kits, but we need to know how many to order.  Instead of order a generic number, we are only ordering the amount that YOU pledge to distribute.  Each kit only costs $1.

How many of your friends and family will you introduce to Jesus this year?

Please prayerfully consider participating in this incredible opportunity.  You can pay for your order this Sunday at FHCC.  No amount is too great or too small.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Turkey Day Review

Last night FHCC hosted its annual "Thanksgiving Day Pot-Luck."  Once again we rented out the PS144 cafeteria and invited all of our friends and neighbors..  There was more food than anyone could handle, the place was packed, and the Karaoke machine was abused in all the right ways.  Bottom line: the night was a huge success.

But what stands out the most is the LOVE that was experienced throughout the night.  I cannot speak for everyone, but I can say that everyone I talked with after the event could not articulate the experience they just had.  It was not just a night of good food.  It was not merely a night of comic relief.  It was a night where the church regular and the first-time guest was valued and involved in the ministry of Forest Hills Community Church.  The night was all about Jesus!

Regardless of "why" people initially came, the night was dedicated to Jesus (even the off-key singing and horrible dance moves of a certain pastor).  It was His love that brought us there, and it was His love and mission that compelled us to drop our guards, talk to strangers and have uncontrollable fun in the process.  Once again, FHCC demonstrated that we are a FAMILY created in and by Jesus the Messiah!

I love this church and am honored to not only be a member, but its pastor.  Rock on, FHCC!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

December Play Date

It's back!!!

Fellowship in the church isn't just for grown-ups! Bring your little ones to Genesis for a time of interaction and play between the kids and fellowship amongst the parents. It will be a fun, laid-back afternoon for all our families to enjoy being part of God's family!

Contact VENUS MARTINEZ with questions or email

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving at FHCC

It's that time of year again, time for the annual Forest Hills Community Church POT-LUCK Dinner!  Yes, the hallowed tradition that keeps getting bigger and better every year.  And this year we are bumping up the "fun factor" with a Karaoke machine!  Oh, yeah, it's going to be that good...

Please make plans now to join us on Sunday, Nov. 27th, at 4:30pm for a dinner like no other.  PS 144 will again be the host location so that we can accommodate as many people as possible.  Last year's attendance was over 75, and I believe we can do even better this year.  More people, more food, more fellowship.

The church is God's family, and we want you around His banquet table!

FHCC Pot-Luck Thanksgiving Dinner
Sunday, Nov. 27th at 4:30pm
PS 144 Cafeteria (69 Ave and Juno St, FHills)
No Cost, just bring a dish to share.

All are welcome, including family and friends!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

John Chapter 3

I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I am about teaching and living John chapter 3 with Forest Hills Community Church.  There are very few portions in Scripture that get as much coverage and citation as this one, and so many of its statements are dynamic and independent.  But are they?

I do not mean to say that they are not dynamic, but are they really stand alone verses?

How many times have we seen John 3:16 plastered on a piece of poster board?  Thousands.  But how many of these posters also cite vs.17-18?  Pretty big oversight given the statements these later two verses declare in regards to God's position towards humanity.

Or how about John 3:3?  All the evangelicals go "ga-ga" over the command to be "born again," but where is the explanation of what this means, especially in light of the conversation from which the statement stems?  What does it really mean to be "born again?"

Please make a commitment to attend every service at Forest Hills Community Church.  I dare you not to be challenged, your love for God and His church increased, and your life to have greater meaning and implication.  I dare you.

Remember, we're just a church who loves Jesus.  We're not our to prove ourselves; just the opposite.  We exist to prove the righteousness of God, the glory of the Savior and the power of the Spirit in broken vessels called "us."  Come as you are this Sunday at 10am inside PS 144.  Bring a bible or pick one up courtesy of the church.  Come reThink:Jesus.

Monday, November 7, 2011

November Dinner Dates

November is the month of good eating, and you can never have too much of that, especially when you are with good company. We have broken the church roster into three groups, and have invited each to host its own dinner at Genesis. This will be the perfect opportunity to get to know new people and show off our church's incredible cooking. Dinners are Pot-Luck and open to all your friends and family.

Each Dinner is designed to host a unique group of individuals.  Please be sure to register with your assigned party.
Last Names A-F - Saturday, Nov. 12 @ 5pm
Contact Monica Bernal

Last Names G-L - Wednesday, Nov. 16 @ 7pm
Contact Mark and Nicki Lite

Last Names M-Z - Sunday, Nov. 13 @ 6pm
Contact Freddie and Magaly Faria 
To Sign Up please email INFO@FHCCHURCH.COM

Thursday, November 3, 2011

FHCC Play Date

Fellowship in the church isn't just for grown-ups! Bring your little ones to Genesis for a time of interaction and play between the kids and fellowship amongst the parents. It will be a fun, laid-back afternoon for all our families to enjoy being part of God's family!

Contact VENUS MARTINEZ with questions or email

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Women's Bible Study Returns

“The Rooms of a Woman’s Heart” is an intimate look into the passions, desires, dreams and priorities found hidden in a woman’s heart. It is a spiritual blueprint which colorfully portrays the activities that take place in every nook and cranny of a feminine heart.

You will feel His presence in every room of your heart: restoring, remodeling, tearing down and then building on again.

There is a corresponding workbook with daily devotions available for $15 (not required, but beneficial). Speak to Christina Rickheeram or email for more details.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Light the Night Success

Instead of waiting for "the holiday of the devil" to simply pass us by, members of Forest Hills Community Church decided to invade the darkness with the Light of the World!  Constructing a table full of bibles, candy, and children's activity books about Jesus, the church took to the busiest intersection in the community on Halloween night.

As a church of 50 weekly participants, 22 came out to participate in distributing the evangelistic items and sharing their testimonies of who Jesus is to them.  The night was a huge success with over 3,000 invitations to church going out and countless testimonies shared.

THANK YOU to all those who made it possible through your prayers, participation and financial gifts.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Quick Thought on Halloween

Truth be told almost all of our holidays have a pagan undertone (Easter = Ishtar, Christmas = Winter Solstice, etc.), but is this why we celebrate today?  No.  Are we even really aware of these things when we celebrate? No.  As far as I am aware, at no time when I am decorating Easter eggs with my kids am I thinking about a fertility god in any form or fashion.  Likewise, when I am going door to door with my kids collecting candy am I thinking about paganism or the devil? No.  Instead, I am simply enjoying the American aspect of family, treats, and the fall weather while getting my kids dressed up as superheroes.

Romans 14 and I Cor 8 are the key texts for Christian's living in a fallen world.  Knowing that I am doing nothing to glorify the devil in my celebration of fall costumes and candy giving, my conscience is clear for me to celebrate the American holiday of Halloween.  HOWEVER, I know this is not the case for all of my brethren.  If someone is against participation, then that is THEIR decision and I respect it without hesitation.  

The problem for me comes when the zealous in our ranks feel it their obligation to presuppose my motives or level of understanding when it comes to these sort of issues.  I think it is entirely wrong for Christians to tell me and others like me that we are honoring the devil by collecting candy and spending time with our family and neighbors.  This is especially annoying when we (as a family and church) use the day to witness with such ministries as "Light the Night."

As far as costumes, we make sure our kids are wearing God-honoring outfits.  No evil or gore allowed.  We also make sure that we teach our kids about the dark side of the holiday and remind them that we have NO PART in that aspect.  It's been good and beneficial for our family to take this approach and has also led to many conversations with our community about who Jesus, God and the devil really are.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Poverty Gospel

While on the subject of evaluating the messages being preaching amongst the Christian church, I cannot help by mention and critique a prevalent thought making its rounds through Christian media and print.  It seems that everywhere you go you hear words such as "compassion," "justice," and the like.  Sadly, the reasoning behind this movement is not as pure or as biblical as they are currently being communicated.

Quite simply, being poor and needy does inherently make you closer to God or more valuable in His sight.  We must not allow the hidden message of the “Social Justice” to prevail that somehow God always sides with the poor (See also “Liberation Theology”).  Yes, God does command a love and justice towards the poor, but this is not favoritism, it is mercy.  We are directed to care for the poor and needy because this is the posture of God towards all humanity.  Every one of us is spiritually depraved and incapable of saving ourselves; we need the mercy of another.  By caring for the hurting, we demonstrate the mercy of God towards humanity and encourage an attitude of gratitude inside of us towards God.

Please care for the sick and poor, but do not equate their suffering with inherent righteousness.  The only reason why the poor were more quickly to receive the message and ministry of God was that they KNEW they needed help.  It was not because they were poor or sick.  The religious, on the other hand, largely ignored the Gospel and suffered rebuke, not because they may have been wealthy or middle-class, but solely because they felt that they were either entitled to God’s favor or did not need His assistance.

We are all poor, and we are all called to model the ministry of God.  No one is better, or more inclined, to the favor of God.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hidden Jesus?

Our study of the book of John has been anything but predictable.  With each letter and verse we are constantly finding our preconceived ideas about Jesus and faith thrown into subjection.  Clearly, the Jesus of the bible is not the Jesus society and religion has created.

In this week's text, Jesus makes a very unusual statement and posture towards His followers.

John 2:24, "But Jesus on his part did not entrust himself to them, because he knew all people..." 

Question:  Why would Jesus not believe in those who are believing in Him?  What does it mean that Jesus "knows" all people?

Once again we see that faith and belief are not at all what we think they are.  It is not about merely believing in Jesus, but more importantly about Jesus believing in you!

Come join us this Sunday as we examine the kind of people Jesus believes in and who He allows to experience His glory.  These are His words, people, and He wants us to know Him.

Forest Hills Community Church
Meeting Sundays at 10am INSIDE PS144
Full Childcare available

Missed a Message?

Monday, October 24, 2011

What is the Gospel?

What has become of the Church?  I know that to some this post is going to sound negative and judgmental, but please hear me out.  I am terribly heart sick about the way the American church communicates the Gospel.  The Gospel is about Jesus, the Glory of God, not the majesty and wonder of man.  (Psalm 8:4: What is man that you are mindful of him?)  Yet, if you visit the American church, especially the ones labeled successful and large, you will walk away with the feeling that man is wonderful and exists as the purpose of God.  This is wrong and heretical.

Yes, God loves man and man has significant worth, but it is not infinite or inherent worth.  Man only has value because God has chosen to allow a reflection on His image to reside in man (Gen. 1:27).  Without God’s intentional will granting him worth and purpose, man is but dust and ashes.  Man is not praise worthy, God is.

Beyond this fact, there is still the chosen disposition of man.  God chooses to bless man with magnificent universal worth, and man responds with rebellion and consequential depravity.  Every person voluntarily sins against the Holy, Righteous God.  The price for this treason is not only spiritual and physical death, but shame, guilt and a marred conscience.  Man sucks.  Even when we come to know God through Christ, there is still a tendency and desire to rebel and manipulate His works as our own.  There is no ground whatsoever for man to be praised or highly regarded as a direct object of worship in our churches or theology.  All glory belongs to God who alone is infinitely and inherent good and worthy.  Yet, when you visit the American church all you hear and see is the praise of man, with God as his servant.

Yes, God loves you and wants you to have a better life; but this is not to come with an attitude of entitlement or superiority.  The kindness of God is to lead us to humility and His praise.  Yes, Jesus wants to make you better, healthier and happier, but according to His will and plan, not yours.  The wonder of the Gospel is God’s mercy and sacrifice for a sick, depraved and evil creature (a.k.a. man) that has been given EVERYTHING freely.  The Gospel is: You suck, God rocks.

Why, why, why do we kowtow to the sinful psyche of Humanism and promote man-centered and glorifying churches?  Why isn’t the Gospel enough?  Why do we, as redeemed and regenerated beings, allow the sinful ways and desires of our former lives to not only manipulate the Gospel, but also celebrate the twisted and corrupted views of others?  Why isn’t God’s glory and grace enough?  Why do we have to promote man over or beside God?

I would argue that the need for such is worldly acceptance (Rom. 1:24-25).  The American church is not satisfied with the applause and glory of God, but still longs for the acceptance of his society.  Christians and their leaders know that the world will not stand for worshipping God unless they, too, get something out of it.  So, we cut corners, twist the truth, or downplay the parts that might offend.  We feed man’s sin.  (And then we wonder why the American church is so lazy, uncompassionate and ineffective…)

I don’t want a big church if it isn’t centered on God’s Gospel.  I don’t want to pastor people who understand God as a gentle grandfather who overlooks sin and wrong behavior so as to spoil them.  I want a God who loving calls out my depravity, satisfies His wrath against me through His son, and then grants me new life and a fresh start through His indwelling Spirit.  I want a Gospel that promotes only what is GOOD.  The American version of the Gospel is not “Good News,” it’s sick.  It promotes wickedness and vanity.  This is horrible news!

Oh, God, do not allow me a spirit of bitterness and conceited judgment, but do grant me zeal for Your Name.  I know that I have no business judging those outside of the church, that is for you alone to do on the Final Day, but God grant me influence to lead Your people, if only a Holy Remnant (Rom. 11:5), back to You.  Father, may Your Gospel and Your glory always be enough for me.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Baptism Results

Oct. 17, 2011 - Baptism Challenge Results

Earlier this week the Lord challenged the church to trust Him to save more people.  Once again, He delivered above expectations!

augustbaptismFollowing an incredible service inside of PS144, the Church took to their homes and neighborhoods looking for the "one more" who Jesus wanted to save.  Numerous conversations were had, some jubilant and some tragic (like the one man who said he never wants to ever hear about Jesus), but were had for the glory of God and the salvation of His people.

When the baptism service began, the church was full of excited family and friends.  Venus, a young mommy of two beautiful girls, was the first to be baptized, and she shared an incredible story of how God saved her from her past and has given her a new identity and future.

Next was August, a former addict who comes from a nominal religious family who is more into mysticism and the occult than Jesus.  Initially coming to the church to question the pastor, he quickly realized Jesus was real and truly changes people.  Within months, Auggie became a Christian and regular of the church.  Auggie loves his church family and knows that only Jesus can save Him.

Before the night was over, we gave opporunity for anyone else to be baptized.  With absolute certainty, a young girl who had never visited the church before stepped up and proclaimed her desire to become a Christian and be baptized.  While knowing of Jesus and His church, she had not fully committed to Him before.  After seeing and hearing the Gospel and its effects, she knew it was time for her to give it all to Jesus.  Dalia jumped in the funky green water, clothes and all, and professed Jesus as her Lord and Savior!

Despite what you may have seen or heard, JESUS CHANGES PEOPLE.  All we need to do is give Him opportunity.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Baptism Challenge Update #1

It has been less than 24-hours and already several in our church are seeing the results of God's "Baptism Challenge."  Anthony and Bill share this testimony from Monday night on Austin Street:

"Pray for Shaun. He's a young man that Billy and I had an opportunity to speak to at the park this evening. We talked to him tonight about sin, salvation in Jesus, and the significance of Baptism. And he enthusiastically said "I want to get baptized!" He wants to take that first step of commiting himself to a new life in Jesus so please pray for him. We hope to see him this Sunday."

We believe that Sunday, October 16, is going to be a big day at FHCC as we proclaim Jesus and celebrate His fellowship.  Please keep stepping out in faith and ask people to believe in Jesus.  God wants this week to be monumental.  BE the CHURCH

The plan:  We are not looking for spiritual debates, we are simply seeking the Lost.  In every situation we want to give people the opportunity to both become a Christian and participate in water baptism.

It's a new day, people.  This is not a fluke or a whim, but a holy calling.  Please don't miss out... 

Baptism and Membership Celebration
Sunday, Oct. 16 @ Genesis
5pm - 7pm
*Please bring a dish to share and friends are always welcome!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Spontaneous Conversions

Oct. 10, 2011 - Shocking News

This Sunday, October 16, is going to be a big day at FHCC as we proclaim Jesus and celebrate His fellowship.  We are canceling all L1 and L2 classes in preparation for the 5pm party and asking you to make this event monumental.

Here is the deal: YOU are the CHURCH.  Many of you are now members, and others of you are currently preparing to become members.  All of you are well-trained and Spirit-filled, and it is time to put into practice our purpose and calling as Christians.  This week God wants you to lead someone to Jesus and see them baptized on Sunday.

Some of you are freaking out and looking for the "delete" button now; but please don't.  If we take the Bible seriously, then there is no reason why people should not be saved today and baptized on Sunday regardless of their church attendance or affiliation.  What matters whether or not they want a fresh start (new identity) as a follower of Jesus.

Here is the plan:  First and foremost, commit yourself to the task.  Decide right now if you are going to step out in faith and invite someone to begin a new life with Jesus.  If you say "yes," then begin praying for God to open your eyes and ears to the Lost all around you.  It may be your family member or it may be a complete stranger.  Regardless, ask God to reveal them to you and then go to them.  Ask them if they are a Christian.  If they say "no," ask them why, but be sure to tell them why you are a Christian by choice.  If they say, "yes," then ask them if they have been baptized as the result of a free decision to follow Jesus' teachings.  (Infant and child baptism is not biblical and denies the message of the biblical practice.  It not sinful, but it is not the same thing as what is taking place in the Bible.)  In every situation give the person an opportunity to both become a Christian and participate in water baptism.  Make a friend and commitment for life, and then go find others.  God is going to do something great this week!!

Praying to Receive Jesus as Lord (sample prayer):
Jesus, I believe you are God and that you gave your life to save me from sin's effects.  I now put my life in You and will look to You in every situation.  Forgive me for how I have lived and grant me new life in You.  Thank you.

Please know that ALL of FHCC will be committing to this same task this week, including Pastor Jeremy in PA.  (He is even prepared to drive people to NYC on Sunday to get dunked.)  This is not a fluke or a whim, but a holy calling.  Please don't miss out... 

Baptism and Membership Celebration
Sunday, Oct. 16 @ Genesis
5pm - 7pm
*Please bring a dish to share and friends are always welcome!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

2011 Financial Report

A Year Worth Celebrating
Fiscal Year 2010-2011 was a big year for Forest Hills Community Church. Among the major decisions we made as a church, none was more key than the decision to purchase $90,000 of equipment from Portable Church Industries (PCI) to enhance our Sunday Worship experience and move from the Midway Movie Theater to PS 144. This was our largest financial undertaking to date, and we are happy to report that the church has repaid 54% of the loan.

The key area of improvement in our move to PS 144 was in the expansion of our Kids Zone ministry. The children have been afforded a safe, clean, fun environment to learn about Jesus on their level and remain engaged throughout the service. This would never have been possible had we stayed in the Midway Movie Theater.

Other areas of celebration are our commitment to missions over the past year. We were able to consistently give $1,000 a month to missionaries around the world, supporting their work sharing the gospel with unreached people groups in fifteen different countries and five continents!

We also had several large-scale events and activities this year that were designed to bring people to Jesusʼ church and encourage fellowship among believers. Joining a flag football league, offering guitar classes, holding a Halloween alternative and Easter Eggstravaganza for neighborhood families, and our first Christmas Eve service were a few of the outreach activities and special events we invested in as a church.

Looking Ahead
Unfortunately, the financial story of the church is not all good news. While there is much to be proud of, the budget needed to maintain the church is simply not being met at the current rate of giving. In the past three months, weʼve seen a significant dip in weekly income to FHCC, and the last quarter (June through August) ran a deficit of $7,757. Immediate action is necessary to correct this trend and keep the church operating.

Pastor Jeremy does not presently, nor has he ever, taken a salary from FHCC; his salary is provided by churches and individuals who choose to support him as a missionary. Any other expenses we could potentially cut have been eliminated or reduced, and the budget for 2011-2012 has been set at $11,000 monthly.

Based on current attendance of 40 adults per week, our monthly giving needs to be $275 per adult to keep the church afloat. That translates to less than $70 each week. We realize that for some, $275 a month is more than your current giving trends, however, this amount is beyond reasonable for most incomes and may in fact be under the amount God asks of you. We are asking people committed to Godʼs Church in Forest Hills to support FHCCʼs ongoing mission with their finances to ensure the church can continue to reach the lost.

Light the Night 2011

Help us shine the Light of Jesus with our friends and neighbors this Halloween.  Every year FHCC members and friends set up a table on Austin Street and give away candy, bibles, kid's activity books and invitations to church.  It is amazing how many people stop to ask about the church and following Jesus during this time.

1 - We need Candy! - Please bring individually wrapped candies to any FHCC service
2 - We need Volunteers - Contact Johanna to volunteer to hand out candy between 3-7pm
3 - We need Donations - Help us purchase bibles and activities books with a Cash Gift

We hope to see you this Halloween at the corner of Austin St and 71st from 3-7pm.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Thoughts on Healing

Been a hard afternoon, but one full of God's providence. In light of my upcoming trip to General Council, I have been working on a sermon two-weeks from now based on Acts 3:1-10. The passage is very familiar and powerful because it involves a supernatural healing at the mere mention of Jesus' name. So many have been encouraged by the story's very simple retelling of the events that led to a lame man being instantly healed; Peter and John command the man to stand and he does with praises unto God. It is so simple and challenging.

No sooner had I cracked the outline on the passage, then my phone and email inbox begin filling with prayer requests for healing. Brain tumors, cancers, mental anguish and anxiety, etc. are effecting my immediate world and friendships. People are suffering and in desperate need to God's mercy and power and the timing of these events cannot be coincidental. So, how should we respond?

Before we address the healing, I feel it imperative to address the nature of sickness. With limited exception, sickness is NOT the fault of the afflicted (John 9:3). Yes, every man's sin furthers the plight of creation and breeds evil, but this should not lead one to the conclusion that if one is sick that he/she is being punished by God. The Bible is replete with the prophets, apostles and common people of God suffering the effects of sickness. Evil simply exists and effects all of us on this side of eternity, period.

After concluding that sickness is merely a component of living in a fallen world, the decision remains with how to treat it. Sadly, more people choose to focus on evil than its cure. Perhaps this is because of our carnal nature and obsession with the physical, but either way the practice is destructive. No good ever comes out of focusing on the problem, we must focus on the cure.

One of the many strengths of the Christian belief is that the biblical description of God is that He is sovereign. God is not limited by anything, nor does anything take place that is outside of His permissive will or ability. Additionally, the Bible declares that He is absolutely "good." This not only defines His essence, but also, by default, declares all of His works/actions/behaviors/ to be "good." These are important and imperative qualities when considering evil and its effects. Because God is sovereign and good, the effects of evil/sickness is never without purpose or cure. This is not to say that man can discern what this purpose is, this truth is reserved for God and God alone. Rather, by knowing that God has given purpose to evil/sickness it gives credence and necessity to look to Him in times of trouble. What matters is that God is always in control.

But His goodness is not abstract or merely theoretical, it's practical and demonstrated particularly in response to evil. The incarnation of Jesus (Jesus coming to earth as a man) proves that God's goodness and sovereignty are real and effective. God takes on the very thing that is susceptible to sickness/evil and overcomes it through the power of the Spirit. Additionally, He preserves not only His body, but he makes it priority to heal those who are sick and dead. God cares for the flesh and overcomes evil's effects toward it (Matt. 8:14-17).

As significant as God's concern for the flesh is, it is not the sole concern of the incarnation. The true significance of God becoming a man is so that He may suffer fully the effects of sin on our behalf and overcome them for all eternity (I Thess. 5:9-10). Jesus came to heal the soul, not merely the body and this is what matters most. I know this is hard to fathom from this side of eternity (John 11:35), but it is true. We should seek and expect God's healing in our physical bodies, but more important is that He be seen as the Healer and Victor over evil's effects on our soul.

If you are sick, then pray to the Lord for healing (James 5:13). God has demonstrated His love, concern, power and will to heal, therefore, expect it with a gracious heart. But, do not major in the minors, loosing sight of God's greatest demonstration of His goodness and love for us: His salvation and healing of the soul. Receive Jesus for who is fully is: God the Healer and Victor over flesh and spirit. The flesh is significant, but far greater is redemption of the soul.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Worth Sharing

This is from Monica, a dedicated servant of the church in Forest Hills:

Yesterday (7/19/11) at about 5:20pm I was standing at the line in the post office of 17 st and 7th Ave. As I am standing on line to mail some important documents I read the article I had so eagerly printed a few minutes ago. While I am reading it I just kept smiling with so much joy of what the Lord is doing at FHCC whether we have 100 congregants or the 60 same people that comes to gather with us to praise our Savior and King Jesus with an open heart.

In my head the picture of Shashi worshiping the Lord so vividly and real as the pictured could depicted, allowed me to confirm how proud I am to know that FHCC has a pastor and brothers/ sisters that serve the Lord trusting HIM even through difficult an uncertain times. My heart rejoices to know that I am so blessed to be part of what God’s calling is in FHCC. When I looked back at my life it has changed so radically in so many areas (and I’m sure many more to come and in the progress) for the past 2 yrs 6 months that I have been in this body of Christ. I laughed by myself at times when I look at certain areas of my life and comparing it to years ago there is no way I would have been able to come out of the mess and agony that my soul was in. Eve so many behaviors and choices are fading and repulse me now when it did not many years ago when I called myself a Christian. To the Lord is given all the glory and to what I have learned at FHCC by His mercy and grace. Thank you so much both of you for teaching the gospel with hearts that fear and served the TRUE GOD.

So interesting that the pictures can depict only the tiny small part of a bigger picture. You Christine although no where in the pictures in this report, play a significant role in HIS CHURCH, your husband and to us (I do speak for many of our ladies of the church).
I pray that my heart and eyes continue to be guided by The Lord and His purposes…
and not by my feelings, circumstances or pressing hard times.

As I finished reading the article I LIKED SO MUCH the last words that closed the report "We'll still be here, somewhere. The scriptures tell us a church is never a building. You don't go to church. You are the church."

Every time I go to Colombia those words are in my head: “Monica now go and be the church” . Whether in crazy NY CITY or Colombia or wherever, I am called to be the church! I remember an old song form my school in Colombia that said: Yo soy iglesia, tu eres iglesia somos la iglesia del Senor. Hermano ven ayudame, hermana ven ayudame somos la iglesia del Senor”

Blessed and honored to serve the Lord at FHCC and to the pastors HE has appointed in my life,

Thursday, May 19, 2011

This is Not an Overstatement

Next to the death & resurrection of Jesus, the single greatest event in the Bible is the coming of the Spirit into the lives of the Believers. It is His presence that guarantees we are saved and enables us to fulfill God's commands and blessings. The Holy Spirit's arrival on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2) is a really BIG deal.

Join us this Sunday as we begin our study of Acts 2. This dynamic chapter will fulfill the OT hope and promise and grant new vision and power for your daily life. I promise it!

Remember: Come as you are; there is no dress code for meeting with Jesus. Full childcare will also be available. Kids LOVE Kids Zone!

I hope to see you with us,

-Pastor Jeremy

Radical: When G-d Dwells with His People

Sundays @ 10am

PS 144 (corner of Juno St & 69 Ave), Forest Hills

Baptism and BBQ - May 29

Baptism is Essential: Jesus was baptized. Peter declared that baptism is paramount to the removal of sins. Paul compared it to our participation in the death/resurrection of Jesus.

The Bottom Line: Baptism is essential to being a Christian, and now you can be baptized too!

Join us on Sunday, May 29th, at 5pm for our Spring Baptism Celebration at GENESIS. We have purchased a larger and heated baptismal to accommodate more people, and want you to be a part. The church family and your friends will cheer you on as you follow in the footsteps of Jesus and declare His wonderful love in your life. Baptism changes everything!

Following the baptisms, we will all enjoy a cookout with Burgers, Hot Dogs, potato salad, coleslaw, and all the great foods that make our church the place to be! Please help by bringing your favorite side-dish to share.

Important: If you wish to be baptized, you must bring a towel, change of clothes, and be prepared to share "why" you want to be baptized.

Please don't miss out on this incredible opportunity! Sign Up here.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Get Radical

Easter is not the end, it is the beginning! The miracle of Jesus' resurrection brings life change and power to all who believe through the power of the Holy Spirit. God does not want your life to be boring or average; He wants it to be radical.

Join us this Sunday as we begin our study of the book of Acts. This dynamic book covers the miracles of the Holy Spirit and how a handful of Jewish people turned the world upside down (Acts 17:6). This wonders we will discover are not limited to a certain and place. God desires that the book of Acts continue in our world today.

Remember: Come as you are; there is no dress code for meeting with Jesus. Full childcare will also be available.

I hope to see you with us,

-Pastor Jeremy

Radical: When G-d Dwells with His People

Sundays @ 10am

PS 144 (corner of Juno St & 69 Ave), Forest Hills

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

UNplugged: Special Edition

As you know, this is not your "typical" week. The Jewish people are celebrating Passover, Catholics are anticipating the end of Lent, and every Christian (including the nominal ones) are considering their plans for Easter Sunday. It is a BIG week spiritually for our city!

With this in mind, we ask that you please join us for a special time of prayer and sharing TONIGHT at Genesis. We will gather to worship, pray for this week's many services, and also share some of the specific plans God has revealed for His church to pursue. It promises to be a special, intimate, and unprecedented time with your church family.

I hope to see you with us, especially over the weekend!

UNplugged: Special Edition

Wed. April 20 @ 8pm

Genesis: 67-08 Ingram St, Forest Hills

Monday, April 18, 2011

Kosher Notes: Week 10

Introduction: The claims of Jesus' work are radical and wonderful (Hebrews 9), but what hope and expectation does this impart on the Believer? How does one know if he/she has truly been restored into the Image and Likeness of God; i.e. made Kosher?

Title: Evidence of a Kosher Life
Text: Romans 8:1-7

I. Jesus Paid the Price for Sin, Bondage and Death – Romans 8:1-4
A. CHRISTIANS are FREE from sin’s power & manipulation. - v.1

B. Jesus' Death and Resurrection has done the following: - v.4
1 - Jesus has defeated sin
2 - Jesus has enabled Believers to fulfill the positive aspect of the Law (righteousness)
3 - Jesus has given the Holy Spirit to His followers.

C. Who is the The Spirit?
1 - He is the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity
2 - He is the enabler of God’s people to do God’s wonders. See the Prophets and Kings of the OT, also John the Baptist and Jesus (Matt. 4)

II. Flesh or Spirit – Romans 8:5-8, 13

A. The Flesh and the Spirit are absolutes and diametrically opposed to one another

B. It is up to the Believer to decide which person he/she is going to be led/manipulated by

C. Only Christians, who have the Spirit, can do the works of the Spirit

III. Spirit is for Believers Only – Romans 8:9-13
A. Those who practice the deeds of the Flesh (sin) are NOT living as Christians

B. Only those who DO the work of the Spirit are said to have the Spirit

C. If you don’t use the Spirit, rely on the Spirit, and feed the Spirit; you forfeit the Spirit & resurrect the dead Flesh - v.13

D. Possession of the Spirit DEMANDS physical evidence of such.

IV. Jesus our Example and Hope – Romans 8:14-17
A. Jesus’ atonement brings power and promise in both this life and the next

B. Because of the Spirit, God adopts us FREELY in His LOVE to receive every good gift from Heaven

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Kosher Notes: Week 9

Introduction: Romans 7:25 declares Jesus Christ as the only suitable savior in man's battle with sin. Why is this, and is He the only savior for this universal crisis?

Title: The Absoluteness of Jesus
Text: Colossians 1:15-23, Hebrews 2:17-18, 9:11-28

I. Jesus Alone is the God-Man - Col. 1:15-19
A. Jesus is Fully Man - Col. 1:15
Jesus is the Perfect "Second Adam," fulfilling the commandment to bear the image of God

B. Jesus is Fully God - Col. 1:16, 19
Jesus represents God's promise to be with His people, Immanuel (Isa. 7:14 & 9:6)

C. Jesus' unique role enables Him to serve as High Priest in service to God for the needs of humanity - Hebrews 2:17-18

II. Jesus Alone is the Priestly-Sacrifice - Col. 1:20
A. Jesus is the Perfect High Priest - Hebrews 7:26

B. Jesus is the Perfect Sacrifice - Hebrews 7:27

C. Jesus' uniqueness enables Him to make atonement in the Heavenly realm, not the earthly realm - Hebrews 9:11-12, 23-24

D. Jesus' unique ministry fulfills the requirement of death found in the Mosaic Law, and ushers in a New, Heavenly Covenant of Life - Hebrews 9:15, 26

III. Proof of Jesus' Work - Col. 1:21-23
A. Man's conscious is cleared; Guilt is Removed - Hebrews 9:14

B. Man is reconciled and brought into immediate intimate relationship with God - Col. 1:22

C. Man is promised eternal life with God - Hebrews 9:28

D. Participation in these effects are both immediate and "not-yet."
At conversion (the acceptance of Jesus' work through faith) a Believer will experience the freedom from guilt and intimacy with God. However, the redemption of the body remains a work of His Second Coming - Romans 8:9-11, 17; Hebrews 9:28

E. However, while the scope of Jesus' ministry is sufficient for all mankind, it is only those who accept His work in Faith and expectation who will enjoy His accomplishments - Col. 1:23, Hebrews 9:28

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Kosher Notes: Week 8

Introduction: God wants us to live as His image bearers. This means that our identity and behavior models His through dependency on Him alone. When we fail to trust God, we not only sin but suffer eternal guilt and misery.

In a divine act of mercy, God grants us with His law as explained through the book of Leviticus. In this book of holiness, we see the life we are supposed to life (chapters 1-15) contrasted with the life we do live in sin (chapters 19 & 26). What is a person to do?

Our natural tendency is to save ourselves through works, but is this realistic? Can man use the law of God to achieve salvation and live the life he was meant to live?

Title: What is the Purpose of the Law?
Text: Romans 7:7-25

I. The Law is Good; Period. - v.7-12
A. The Law Teaches Us God's Will - v.7

B. The Law Reveals Sin as Desire, not simply an Action - v.8

C. The Law Exposes Sin through Definition and Provocation - v.9-11

D. The Law is Good, it is Sin which is Evil - v.9-12

II. Humans Are Held Captive to Sin, not the Law - 13-24
A. Sin is Opposed to the Law - v.13-14

B. Humans, who exist in the flesh, are CAPTIVE to Sin - v.14

C. It is not a matter or desire or knowledge; humanity is depraved and CANNOT obey the Law (will) of God - v.15-19

D. Sin controls Humanity - v.20

E. Humanity is POWERLESS to save itself - v.24

III. The Law Reveals a Need for a Savior - v.25
A. The Law is not the Healer; only the Revealer of the plight of man

B. Only Jesus can save! -v. 25
He alone lived the life of the law and paid our price of disobedience. He alone has risen from the death so that as He lives, we might live also. HIS POWER becomes our hope!

God alone saves. Laws, religion, philosophies and education can only reveal the problem, they cannot cure it. Not only are they inept, but they distract us from worshipping the only One worthy of worship: God. Thank God for showing us His sufficiency and our need for Him!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Passover Seder

Please don't miss out on a great opportunity to introduce your friends to Jesus and His church! On Tuesday, April 12, FHCC will be hosting its annual Passover Seder dinner. This four-course meal will walk us through the biblical event of the Passover, while simultaneously teaching about God's providence in today's world. With each element of the meal, the work and personhood of God's salvation becomes clearer and clearer until blatantly obvious. It is simply miraculous!

Jews and Gentiles from every background will enjoy this catered Kosher night around the traditional Haggada. The dinner starts at 6:30p with a discounted cost of only $20 per person. Please make plans to join us today!

Passover Seder
Tuesday, April 12 @ 6:30pm
$20 per person (please pay in advance)
RSVP by April 3rd

Call: 718-730-9100

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Kosher Notes: Week 7

Introduction: The first 15 chapters of Leviticus demonstrate and instruct the people of God on the proper forms of worship, as well as demonstrate the nature and character of God. From sacrifice to food choice, everything was meant to lead the Israelite into a behavioral pattern parallel to the holy nature of God. It is important to note, however, that these first 15 chapters only dealt with the ritual worship of God.

Man is not to merely reflect God's nature and holiness in the religious ideal, but must also do so in subjects of morality and ethical living. Chapters 16-26 deal with the law of God on issues of morality and clearly state the effect of both obedience and disobedience.

I. Day of Atonement - Leviticus 16
A. The issue at hand is the cleansing of God's Mercy Seat (the Holy of Holies)

B. The tabernacle needed cleansed because the people sinned. Their behavior marred the presence of God on the earth.

C. Blood was shed to cleanse the tabernacle from sin, as well as atone for Aaron and the people

D. The sins of the people were "carried away" on the back of the live goat.

Conclusion: God's holiness must be preserved on the earth.

II. Bloodguilt - Leviticus 17
A. God forbids the misuse of blood, either in sacrifice or in consumption.

B. Blood = life. Blood shed = death, and demands vengeance from the God of Life (See Gen 9:6)

C. The punishment for desecrating blood is to be "cut off"

Conclusion: The covenant of God is based on "blood" (Lev. 17:11) and, therefore, must be honored.

III. Exclusive Sex - Leviticus 18
A. God forbids unnatural sex.

B. Sex is to be between a man and his wife alone.

C. The punishment for unlawful sex is to be "cut off"

Conclusion: The covenant of God is based on exclusivity (18:2) and, therefore, the marital covenant of the people must be honored.

IV. Godliness Lived Out - Leviticus 19-20, 26
A. God calls His people to relationship (v.1-8)

B. God calls His people to love one another (v.9-18)

C. God calls His people to abstain from being like others (v.19-20:7)

D. The punishment for disobedience is death in every circumstance (chapter 26)

E. The land is subjugated to the sins of the people and is vindicated by the justice of God (26:33-35)

Conclusion: God has not changed the rules since Gen 2:17. Man is to bear the image of God, which man must be as God is. Failure to do so results in death; no sacrifice available.

V. Conclusion
God loves man, but it is not because of man. God loves His holiness because it alone is good and worthy of His love. As God's image bearer, man has the ability to receive and reflect God's holiness. The beauty of man, therefore, is not innate to man, but shines only when he is living in right relationship with God, reflecting His holiness.

Man's purpose in life is not his pleasure, but God's holiness. All of Creation is designed to enjoy the worship of God. Hence when man sins, God must intervene for the sake of the other parts of Creation. His glory must be displayed!

Man must get over himself, and live for the only "good" thing is all of eternity: the holiness of God. This is why man was created, and this is the standard by which man will be judged.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Levitical Recap

Understanding that a study of the Law can be overwhelming, we have put together and brief summary of what we have learned from Leviticus thus far...

Overview: Restoring the Title of Image Bearer
Leviticus is written to usher the people into a state of Holiness, a right relationship with God whereby man shares the identity of God (Leviticus 11:44). Therefore, the book plays a dualistic role to both purify the people and bring them in a submissive position of trust and dependence on God.

Road to Redemption:
1. Sacrifice - Individuals must submit their lives to the covenant of God and acknowledge Him as superior. Additionally, the Israelites must confess and make atonement for their sins through Substitutionary Atonement. (Leviticus 1-7)

2. Priesthood - Even with a humble posture toward God and His laws, there remains a barrier by which the average Israelite cannot have direct relations with God. A mediator is necessary for fellowship based on God's election and atonement, coupled with man's separation from secular society. (Leviticus 8-10)

3. Purity - Holiness is not to be a temporal state for the Israelite to enjoy only on sacred days and at ceremonial services. A relationship with God demands complete identity with attributes of God in everyday activity. (Leviticus 11-15)

While difficult and comprehensive, our study of the first half of Leviticus has only dealt with the ceremonial and minor offenses of God. In the later portion of the book, the capital offenses against God and His nature will be addressed, as well as their implications/consequences. Bearing the image of God is no trivial matter; it requires holiness of the heart.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kosher Notes: Week 6

Continuing on in our study of God's law, we now come to one of the most peculiar texts in all the bible: Leviticus 11-15. These five chapters deal with matters that seem very foreign to us in the modern West, and, therefore, many see not practical application or usefulness. Tragically, those who would hold such a position are undermining the very Word of God and restricting its power and influence in their lives.

All of God's Word is practical, applicable, and profitable for knowing God and drawing closer to Him. It is not a dated book, but an eternal guide to knowing and loving the God of Heaven and Earth.

Title: Man's Work of Reconciliation through Purity
Text: Leviticus 11-15

I. Understanding the Israelite Worldview
The people of the Bible are not a mythical people, but an actual ancient society, occupying a region of space in a specific time, which can be verified through the scientific methods of archaeology and anthropology. This understanding becomes pivotal when encountering texts like Lev. 11-15, where God speaks directions without explicitly stating "why." When situations like this arise in the bible, we should not become apathetic towards seeking a reason, nor should we invent reasons so as to simply have one. Instead, when the Bible appears to be silent on the reason for God's purpose we should turn to the other tools God has given us (scientific criticisms) and discern a reason that compliments the full biblical canon.

In the case of Leviticus 11-15, a study of the societies of the ANE reveals that most held to a ritual observance of Purity. These ancient cultures understood that the world was corrupt and that certain animals, practices and events were contrary to society's ideal. Association with this "impure" objects, thus defiled the person and were considered taboo.

When looking at Leviticus 11-15, however, it is imperative to differentiate the difference between the wisdom of God and that of the shared wisdom of the ANE. Just because most ANE cultures held to a similar purity code as expressed in Leviticus should not lead us to conclude that the Israelites are making this stuff up. Rather, the bible clearly states that is content comes from God and, therefore, has a divine and perfect purpose.

II. Purity and Food (Leviticus 11)
A. Every tier of the animal kingdom is listed, and there are restrictions for each class. It is the minority of the animals which are permissible.

B. It is not merely eating the animals which makes one 'unclean,' but also physical contact/association.

C. It is not that the animals prohibited are "bad;" in fact, God made all things "good" (See Genesis 1.). What disqualifies these animals from consumption is there failure to meet the ideal. The forbidden animals either lack physical uniformity, are associated with blood (death), or do not function in a manner that is consistent with the other parts of Creation.

D. God is calling His people to associate with the "ideal" and "clean."

III. Purity and Pregnancy, Skin Diseases, Mold, and Bodily Fluids (Lev. 12-15)
A. Pregnancy made a woman impure for a period of time
1. Childbearing is not the issue. Giving birth is a joyous event to both the family and the community of God!
2. The issue was the blood. As long as the woman was experiencing the flow of blood, she was deemed "unclean."

B. Skin Diseases and Mold made a person impure
1. Leprosy and Mold resembled "death" and could not be permitted in the presence of God and His people.
2. The Priest, as a representative of God, was charged with declaring the status of the person or home.

C. Bodily discharges also made one impure
1. For both the man and the woman, the issue was the fluids association with "death." For the man this was wasted 'seed," and in the case of the woman, 'death.'
2. The Hebrew view of blood, discharges, and sickness is not primitive, but highly regarded since it not only provided sanitary conditions but also theological implications.

IV. Application
The heart of the Purity laws is not simply hygienic preservation, for that lacks association with God. Instead, what should be gleaned from these very specific laws, is there allusion towards the character and disposition of God. The Israelite was to be 'pure' because God is 'pure' (Lev. 11:44-45).

It was not enough that the people of God has a religious worship system at the tabernacle; they must be worshippers of God at all times, whether eating, drinking, sleeping, etc. Their entire lives needed to reflect Godly traits and characteristics.

As Christians, we do not need to keep the dietary laws of Lev. 11, since Jesus has made all things 'clean' (Mark 7 and Acts 10); however, we should not take upon ourselves an identity with sinful persons or practices. Being a misisonary to sinners, does not mean becoming a sinner. God desires for us to walk in a manner worthy of our calling (Eph 4:1).

Friday, March 18, 2011

Easter Eggstravaganza!

Help FHCC Prepare for Our 2nd Annual Easter Eggstravaganza

If you were with us last year, you'll remember how the Easter Eggstravaganza was a wonderful event for the families of Forest Hills! Hundreds of children and their families attended, and the church did an amazing job of sacrificially giving their time, talents, and resources to pull it off.

This year, our Easter Eggstravaganza will take place at PS144 on Saturday, April 23rd, the day before Easter. By moving the location to the actual building we hold church every Sunday, we hope to bring more families into God's house, introducing them to FHCC, and showing them firsthand what the love of Jesus is all about.

In order to make this the best year yet, we'll need YOUR help!
We are immediately in need of the following:
Donated Supplies
- Plastic eggs for the egg hunt (we will need at least 1500 eggs)

- Small, pre-wrapped candy (i.e. Hershey’s Kisses, Nestle Crunch eggs, Jolly Ranchers, small Tootsie Rolls, etc.) Please note: jelly beans/other unwrapped candy can’t be used for children's safety. Additionally, smaller candy is better, as it needs to fit in the eggs. Licorice, lollipops and even most "fun sized" candy bars are too big to fit in most eggs.

-Sign up to volunteer to help! While the event runs from 11am-1pm, we will need as many volunteers as possible to make sure all our guests have a good time. Volunteers will need to be available to help from 9am to 4pm. We will also need some helping hands to stuff eggs the days leading up to the event. Email Johanna at to sign up to help.

Your Faithfulness
-Get the word out! We have a facebook event you can promote to your friends with children, and cards are on the way. Please join us at as many outreaches as you can to get the word out about our Passover/Easter events.

-As with every community event we do, proclaiming the gospel is the entire goal. Your giving makes it possible to be able to share the hope of Jesus' death and resurrection with children and adults alike. Please continue to give to support the outreach efforts of your church.

Thanks in advance for rallying to make this year's Easter Eggstravaganza a huge success!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St Patty's Day

Teens and Religion

How Religion Impacts Teens
By Lynn A. Gladieux, published in "Central Penn Parent Magazine," March 2011.

A teenager’s life is fraught with hurdle and challenges. From struggles with peers to worries about acceptance and self-esteem, the teenage years can be the most complicated and difficult period in a young person’s life. Recent research suggests, however, that teens may be finding acceptance through their faith.
The Study and the Stats

According to a study conducted by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, religion may be an important influence in the lives of many teens. The study, entitled the “National Study of Youth and Religions,” has concluded that religion matters to teens and that the majority believe in God, even if their religious knowledge is shallow and they have a difficult time expressing how faith impacts their lives.

The four-year effort was conducted by 133 researchers and consultants led by sociologist Christian Smith. Smith reports the full results in the new book entitled Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers (Oxford University Press), co-written with doctoral student Melinda Lundquist Denton.

The project involved a telephone survey of 3,370 randomly selected English- and Spanish-speaking Americans, ages 13-17, followed by face-to-face interviews with 267 of the respondents in 45 states.

The study found that although most teens are unable to fully articulate the role faith plays in their lives, highly religious teens are doing much better than their non-religious peers in emotional health, academic success, community involvement, concern for others, trust of adults and avoidance of risky behavior. Teens practicing their faith were found to be conventional in their belief system and were willingly attending weekly church services.

Why and How Teens Respond to Religion
Smith, an Episcopal layman and father of three, said in an interview that religion gives teens structure and provides them with moral framework and boundaries. “Instead of sleeping in, he said, “they get up and go to church on Sunday morning. And there are all sorts of other benefits from simply being connected to a religious organization that empirically make a difference. Highly religious American teens are happier and healthier. They are doing better in school, they have more hopeful futures, they get along with their parents better. Name a social outcome you care about, and the highly religious kids are doing better.”

The study bore out some other interesting, if not surprising, findings. For example, although America is becoming a more ethnically diverse nation, at least 80 percent of teens still identify themselves as Protestant, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Mormon, or Jewish. Most teens adhere to their parent’s faith, with the most devout teens holding on to more traditional sexual and other values than their non-religious counterparts.

Those most engaged in practicing their faith were Mormon youth, followed in order by evangelical Protestants, black Protestants, mainline Protestants, Catholics and Jews. But in spite of having a strong affinity with their faith, the study also showed many teens lacked in religious knowledge, and most seemed hard-pressed to define their belief system and the difference it made in the lives of others.

This comes as no surprise to Rick Rhoads, Professor of Student Ministry at Lancaster Bible College. Rhoads says this generation of teens may be more open-minded than their predecessors, and willing to take more risks with their faith.

There’s been a real radical shift in the last 10 to 15 years of how we approach teaching doctrine and theologies,” Rhoads says. “While before we were really getting hard-core into the Bible almost – dare I say – to a degree where it was lopsided. Now it is more of a ‘How is it lived out in your life?’ kind of faith. It’s lopsided in the other way.”

“I find, especially with the students in Central Pennsylvania, that there’s almost no knowledge of scripture and doctrine, and it’s all experience-based. So, if you ask them if they’ve cared for a homeless person in the last month, they have. But if you ask them if they’ve ever read the Book of Amos, they are like, ‘What?’”

Smith thinks lack of exposure is to blame. “You learn a second language by listening to others who speak it well and having a chance to practice it yourself. I don’t know how much teens are hearing other people speak the language well, and it really struck us in our research that very few teens are getting a chance to practice talking about their faith. We were dumbfounded by the number of teens who told us we were the first adults who had asked them what they believed. One said: ‘I do not know. No one has ever asked me that before.’”

Parents Have More Influence than They Realize
Yet the evidence clearly suggests that the single most important social influence on the religious and spiritual lives of adolescents is their parents, something that Smith admits was somewhat of a surprise. “This is one of the things that hit us hard, that parents still have an enormous influence on their kids’ lives, even though I’m sure they find it very hard for them to believe at times. Adolescents are not routinely coming to their parents and saying ‘Thanks so much for steering me in the right direction. I really appreciate it. I want you to know that you are a big influence.’ They don’t say it, but it’s still a fact.

Parent, Smith says, have a lot more influence, and therefore responsibility, than they realize. Although teenagers will never admit that they look to their parents for guidance, most do. And even though some teens may seem like alien creatures at times, Smith encourages parents to remember they’re people like everyone else. “I think what’s really needed is to see the commonalities, to make connections, and to see what youth and adults have in common.”

Major Findings of the Study:
  • Highly religious teens are doing much better than their non-religious counterparts in emotional health, academic success, community involvement, concern for others, trust of adults and avoidance of risky behavior.
  • Teens who practice their faith were more conventional in their belief system and willingly attended church services.
  • Most teens adhere to their parents’ faith.
  • Those most engaged in practicing their faith were Mormon youth, followed in order by evangelical Protestants, black Protestants, mainline Protestants, Catholics and Jews.
  • 82 percent of teens were affiliated with a local congregation.
  • 80 percent had few or no doubts about their beliefs in the past year.
  • 71 percent felt “extremely,” “very” or “somewhat” close to God.
  • 65 percent prayed alone a few times a week or more.
  • 61 percent “definitely” believed in divine miracles from God.
  • 52 percent said they attended worship two to three times a month or more.