Monday, December 5, 2011

Our Values: It's all about Jesus

At Forest Hills Community Church we desire to possess a Passionate Love For Jesus in all things.  This may seem like a no-brainer for a church, but tragically most people merely use Jesus as a stepping-stone to personal enjoyment, fulfillment, or spirituality.  At FHCC, we know that not only is such a position nonsense (illogical), but more importantly heretical.  The truth is that is God, and when He occupies any other position that such in our lives, everything fails and falls apart.  In fact, it is precisely this low-view of Jesus that leads most people to despair of life and the Christian faith.  When people go through life only proclaiming Jesus rather than leaning on Jesus, they fail and Jesus gets all the blame.  The bible teaches us that Jesus can only save you, if you’re hanging on to (believing in) Jesus. (When “faith” is referenced in regards to salvation, it is almost always in verb form “believing in.”  In fact, the Hebrew of Gen 15 actually draws its meaning from the image of a baby clinging to/resting securely in its mother’s arms.)

At FHCC, we love Jesus because He is God and He alone saves us.  As beings created in the “image of God (Gen 1:27),” we can either live in dependence on God or rebel by doing our own thing.  When we choose life outside of dependence (faith) in God, we fail and come under the condemnation of God and sin (John 3:18).  We’re literally dead men walking and incapable of saving ourselves from our consequences or death.  Hence the glory and majesty of Jesus!  He comes by His own will and merit to save us from ourselves.  He does not save us partially, or temporarily, but eternally (Rom. 8:1).  Jesus is our hero and we love Him for it!

At Forest Hills Community Church it’s all about Jesus, because it has to be.  He alone is God and good.  Therefore, we love praying (talking to Jesus), reading our Bibles (hearing from Jesus and receiving His instruction), going to church (learning more about Jesus from others and helping others grow closer to Jesus), and going out into the world proclaiming Jesus (in both word and deed to a people, who like us, are undeserving).  Jesus is our everything.