Monday, December 19, 2011

Our Values: It's about Christians Living Like Jesus

Value #3: It’s all about Christians Living like Jesus.

At Forest Hills Community Church we have great disdain for hypocrites.  Not only do their words and behaviors hurt, but they also destroy any credibility of the person or his message.  The bible calls such behavior “sin” bearing the consequence of death (Rom 6:23).  Jesus came to save us from this deadly lifestyle and grant us right standing.  As human beings, our sole purpose is to live a lifestyle in accordance to God’s glory (Gen. 1:27).  This means that we must live “holy” lives, and God knows this impossibility of this task in our own power and strength.  No one can live right without the power of God motivating and inspiring from the inside out.  Again, God knows or weakness and His commandment, therefore, He has given all Christians the person and power of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5:5 and I John 4:13).

The Holy Spirit is not personal force or inner-conscience of man. Nor is He an impersonal attribute of God.  The Holy Spirit is God, just as Jesus and the Father over all.  He shares the same power and essence and, like the other two members, He has a unique role and gift towards Creation.  Specifically, for those who believe in Jesus as Lord, He is the gift of power and holy living (living how God directs us to live) (Rom. 8:12-17). Jesus saves us from sin, and the Holy Spirit leads us away from future sin.

Yet, the gift of the Spirit is not just to protect us from negative consequences, He also inspires and empowers us for positive effect: Christian witnessing (Luke 12:12).  As Christians who are part of Forest Hills Community Church we strive to live a life pleasing to God and attractive to the world around us.  In doing so, we not only bring glory to God, but also hope and salvation to the world Jesus died to save.  We never want to be labeled hypocrites, which is synonymous with sinners and a curse word by our culture.  We are not people who hide behind a belief, but seek to proclaim in word and deed the power of Jesus.  Therefore, we live like Jesus to that the world might both see and hear Jesus, and believe.