Monday, October 10, 2011

Spontaneous Conversions

Oct. 10, 2011 - Shocking News

This Sunday, October 16, is going to be a big day at FHCC as we proclaim Jesus and celebrate His fellowship.  We are canceling all L1 and L2 classes in preparation for the 5pm party and asking you to make this event monumental.

Here is the deal: YOU are the CHURCH.  Many of you are now members, and others of you are currently preparing to become members.  All of you are well-trained and Spirit-filled, and it is time to put into practice our purpose and calling as Christians.  This week God wants you to lead someone to Jesus and see them baptized on Sunday.

Some of you are freaking out and looking for the "delete" button now; but please don't.  If we take the Bible seriously, then there is no reason why people should not be saved today and baptized on Sunday regardless of their church attendance or affiliation.  What matters whether or not they want a fresh start (new identity) as a follower of Jesus.

Here is the plan:  First and foremost, commit yourself to the task.  Decide right now if you are going to step out in faith and invite someone to begin a new life with Jesus.  If you say "yes," then begin praying for God to open your eyes and ears to the Lost all around you.  It may be your family member or it may be a complete stranger.  Regardless, ask God to reveal them to you and then go to them.  Ask them if they are a Christian.  If they say "no," ask them why, but be sure to tell them why you are a Christian by choice.  If they say, "yes," then ask them if they have been baptized as the result of a free decision to follow Jesus' teachings.  (Infant and child baptism is not biblical and denies the message of the biblical practice.  It not sinful, but it is not the same thing as what is taking place in the Bible.)  In every situation give the person an opportunity to both become a Christian and participate in water baptism.  Make a friend and commitment for life, and then go find others.  God is going to do something great this week!!

Praying to Receive Jesus as Lord (sample prayer):
Jesus, I believe you are God and that you gave your life to save me from sin's effects.  I now put my life in You and will look to You in every situation.  Forgive me for how I have lived and grant me new life in You.  Thank you.

Please know that ALL of FHCC will be committing to this same task this week, including Pastor Jeremy in PA.  (He is even prepared to drive people to NYC on Sunday to get dunked.)  This is not a fluke or a whim, but a holy calling.  Please don't miss out... 

Baptism and Membership Celebration
Sunday, Oct. 16 @ Genesis
5pm - 7pm
*Please bring a dish to share and friends are always welcome!