Monday, April 18, 2011

Kosher Notes: Week 10

Introduction: The claims of Jesus' work are radical and wonderful (Hebrews 9), but what hope and expectation does this impart on the Believer? How does one know if he/she has truly been restored into the Image and Likeness of God; i.e. made Kosher?

Title: Evidence of a Kosher Life
Text: Romans 8:1-7

I. Jesus Paid the Price for Sin, Bondage and Death – Romans 8:1-4
A. CHRISTIANS are FREE from sin’s power & manipulation. - v.1

B. Jesus' Death and Resurrection has done the following: - v.4
1 - Jesus has defeated sin
2 - Jesus has enabled Believers to fulfill the positive aspect of the Law (righteousness)
3 - Jesus has given the Holy Spirit to His followers.

C. Who is the The Spirit?
1 - He is the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity
2 - He is the enabler of God’s people to do God’s wonders. See the Prophets and Kings of the OT, also John the Baptist and Jesus (Matt. 4)

II. Flesh or Spirit – Romans 8:5-8, 13

A. The Flesh and the Spirit are absolutes and diametrically opposed to one another

B. It is up to the Believer to decide which person he/she is going to be led/manipulated by

C. Only Christians, who have the Spirit, can do the works of the Spirit

III. Spirit is for Believers Only – Romans 8:9-13
A. Those who practice the deeds of the Flesh (sin) are NOT living as Christians

B. Only those who DO the work of the Spirit are said to have the Spirit

C. If you don’t use the Spirit, rely on the Spirit, and feed the Spirit; you forfeit the Spirit & resurrect the dead Flesh - v.13

D. Possession of the Spirit DEMANDS physical evidence of such.

IV. Jesus our Example and Hope – Romans 8:14-17
A. Jesus’ atonement brings power and promise in both this life and the next

B. Because of the Spirit, God adopts us FREELY in His LOVE to receive every good gift from Heaven