Thursday, January 14, 2010

What is UNdone?

We were very blessed this past Monday during UNdone to share with several first time guests the power of the Holy Spirit being displayed through corporate prayer. The night began as always with giving Jesus Christ all glory and honor with thanks and praise. We then followed by praying together on the following topics/scriptures:

Evangelism (1Timothy 4:1-5): As Christians we are all called to evangelism. Our mission is to share the good news of Jesus Christ to a world that is lost and dying. Our prayer is that we would all do this boldly everyday of our lives with everyone we encounter with out fear of persecution, mockery or suffering.

Fear (Romans 8:15): Fear is the product of self-confidence and self-reliance. As Christians we have been set free from this minimalist thinking, and have come to find true, unending peace in complete dependence on the Holy Spirit. Our prayer is that we would live every moment of our lives with complete faith in our God and Savior, Jesus. It is His voice and approval we live for!

We then moved forward by taking prayer requests from different people inside the church. Though most of us inside have only known each other from anywhere between 2 years to 2 minutes we quickly became one family united in Christ praying for each others lost family members, friends with cancer, neighbors afflicted by drug use and so much more.

As the Spirit lead us into a time of personal prayer and worship the Holy Spirit’s presence and power was so evident that those walking in began to immediately worship the Lord, some falling to there knees in worship. It was a truly magnificent display of the Holy Spirit that lead one of our Facilitators to a reading of Psalm 139:1-19.

God’s presence did not end there. The Holy Spirit was evident through out our following service UNplugged and through out the remainder of the evening.

It was truly an amazing night and we pray that you would not only continue to pray for these things in your personal prayer life but that you would also join us next week for UNdone.

UNdone: Prayer Meeting

Monday Nights at 7pm

INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)