Monday, January 25, 2010

Breaking Free Recap: Week 1

Thursday evening, the ladies of FHCC began the newest of Beth Moore’s Bible studies. We had a seat, said a quick prayer, and launched into a video series where a woman about my mother’s age with big blonde hair and a Southern twang discussed “breaking free” from shackles that keep us from being the woman God has called us to be. If I can be candid, the title “Breaking Free” didn’t exactly give me goosebumps of excitement. “I live in America, ‘land of the free,’ and I’m actively serving the Lord. This is probably going to be great for someone else, but how in the world is this going to apply to me?” I wondered.

Then, we cracked open our Bibles and read Isaiah 61:1-3. I tell you, my highlighter could not keep up. Bringing good news to the poor, binding up the brokenhearted, and bringing comfort to those who mourn are things any Christian woman can relate to, because we all hurt, and if you’re not hurting right now, one day you will. Whether the things that bind us are obvious addictions or something a little easier to conceal, we need to come to terms with our current state of oppression, because there is something in every Christian’s life that is hindering your relationship with the Lord. We looked at the call of Gideon (one of my all-time favorite Bible heroes) in Judges 6, and as Beth pointed out in the video, “if we don’t seek freedom, we will seek shelter.” But hiding from our oppressor isn’t the answer, is it? We need to be liberated.
This morning I was reflecting on the lesson, and as out-of-left-field as it sounds, I started thinking of the scene in Disney’s “Pinocchio” where our protagonist puppet is singing “I’ve got no strings on me!” While Pinocchio may not have strings, as the other puppets do, he’s still a puppet. He’s not fully realizing the dream Geppetto had of him being “a real boy”, and while he may talk, walk, go to school, and otherwise behave like any other kid, he’s still made of wood. I wonder how many Christians settle for having “no strings” and never become what their Creator desires them to be.

The homework in Beth’s book is no joke. It is not something you can knock out in five minutes, it’s challenging. It’s going to take some serious dedication to get it done every day for the next ten weeks, but honestly, you can’t win a battle unless you fight, and we’re fighting for our freedom. So for all the women who came on Thursday, email one of your sisters and tell them you did your homework and check up to see if they did theirs; accountability is critical. If you missed this week’s class, it’s not too late to join us, and I know that no matter where you’re at in your walk, this class is applicable to you and it is worth your time. No more hiding, let’s allow God to make us warriors so we can “Break Free.”


Break Free: Women's Bible Study
Thursday Nights @ 6:30pm
INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram)