Monday, January 18, 2010

Undone: Prayer

This Monday we are getting together to give our thanks and praise to Jesus the Messiah for all that He is, all that He’s done, and all that He desires to do in our lives. As we wrap up from last week and prepare for the coming week we choose to seek God’s will and understanding as we pray over the following topics:

Why do we go to church?
For many church is viewed as a social gathering, or place where we go to seek personal gain through blessings, comfort and relaxation. For some it’s a time of entertainment with readings, encouraging speeches and music. And for others it’s simply a ritualistic tradition that people follow because their parents did it. Therefore they do it as well but they never actually see the truth of why we go to church. Ultimately, we see church as something we do for our own sake. However, that’s not why we should go to church.

Church was created by God for God and it is not made up of 4 walls, a roof, and some chairs; it’s made up of body of believers, people. And these people go to church to see Jesus, to be taught by Jesus, and to worship Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit for the glory of God. Our prayer is that we would all realize that and come to church with the right motives and intentions, with the purpose of serving & worship God as children in the house of the LORD.

Women’s Bible Study
This Thursday at 6:30pm at our Campus location we’re kicking up a NEW Women’s Bible Study. We will be praying for women of all ages, races, cultures & religions to come on in and break free! Every woman on earth has a clear and high calling and it’s found in the word of God. Proverbs 31:10-31

UNleashed: Bible Study on Understanding Worship
We are also starting up another NEW Bible Study called UNleashed this Thursday at 8:00pm at our Campus location. The purpose is to understand worship, who we worship, how we worship and the reasons why. Our prayer is that we would be people who live a life of worship with all things pointing to God. Whether it’s our jobs, our families, our finances, or our recreational time, everything we do, every response we have, & every decision we make would be with the intention of showing just how much we love Jesus.
Psalm 149:1-6a

We recognize that life is hard and the life of a Christian is even harder. This is why we take prayer requests so that we can hold one another up & pray together as a family. As well as individually pray for one another during a time of personal prayer.

We hope that you will join us this Monday night as we humble ourselves before God and seek to become UNdone by the Holy Spirit of Jesus the Messiah.

UNdone: Prayer
Monday Nights @ 7pm
INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

PS> Email your prayer requests here: