Friday, January 1, 2010

Sunday Preview

This Sunday we are all invited to a wedding! The time of Abraham has slowly been drawing to a close, and now it is time for Isaac to rise to the occasion and replace his father as the patriarch of the covenant. And just as was the case for his father, Isaac's journey of faith is not going to be easy, nor will the covenant find completion in his lifetime. Isaac will need to father other children according to the promises of God. So, I guess he needs a wife, right? But where could such a woman be found? Poor Isaac is an only child, lives in a foreign land, and he's a nomad; not very datable qualities. What is a lonely patriarch to do?

Fortunately for all of us, God is in control. Through the leading of the Spirit, Abraham will commission the first ever dating service (kind of like eharmony without the internet). Composing a list of compatibility requirements, Abraham will send his trusty servant out into the world to find the perfect wife for Isaac. It will not be an easy task, as no mere common girl will do. This future matriarch must be a woman of faith, integrity, and service; she must be a suitable helpmate to Isaac. But, how and where could such a girl be found? Guess it is going to take a miracle...

Join us this Sunday as we continue our "Genesis: Book of Beginnings" series. As we begin our study of chapter 24, we will discover God's intentions for marriage, and biblical principals for finding and keeping the right mate for life. All people, both married and single, will greatly benefit from this week's text. Make plans to join us, and bring a friend!

Genesis: Book of Beginning
Part III - Abraham

Sundays @ 10am INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater

Monday @ 8pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus