Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Churches Helping Churches

Forest Hills Community Church has prayerfully decided to support the rebuilding efforts in Haiti through the ministry of:

This dynamic ministry understands what being a Christian is all about: we're called to be like Jesus to a lost and dying world. We are not to behave like the world in either our "good" deeds, or in our sin. Our job as Christians is not to be simply led by emotion and self-appeasement, but rather to be led by the Spirit in all manners and situations. get's it; and therefore, their response to Haiti is not to compete with the secular aid organizations, but rather excel at being "the church." Their goal is to preach the Gospel, build up the local church, and feed the hungry through miraculous supervision in that order. People's souls are the highest priority.

We highly encourage you to partner with this ministry for the sake of the Gospel in Haiti.

Donate here.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

UNleashed: Week 1 Recap

Psalm 63: My Soul Thirsts for You
A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah.
1 O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you;
my soul thirsts for you;
my flesh faints for you,
as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.
2 So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary,
beholding your power and glory.
3 Because your steadfast love is better than life,
my lips will praise you.
4 So I will bless you as long as I live;
in your name I will lift up my hands.

God is definitely doing big things in Forest Hills Community Church, and last night’s UNleashed Bible study was evidence of that. We opened in prayer, and got the ball rolling with an open discussion of what it feels like when “something happens” during a worship service. Not to be lead by our emotions, we dug into Scripture to make sure that everything we do is a biblical response to God, which will be a key teaching for the duration of this course.

Psalm 63:1-4 was our text for the week, and after fully understanding the back-story of what was going on in David’s life when he wrote that verse, it’s a perfect instruction to Christians on how to worship, regardless of your circumstance. Although David was headed into the desolate wilderness, with no clue if he would ever return and no immediate hope of resuming his reign as king, he still sought God intentionally, desperately, relentlessly.

The discussions during this session were phenomenal, thanks to the packed house and the thoughtful contributions everyone made to the conversation. Topics included: distractions we face when worshiping God, which phrases in the text resonate with you personally, what the difference is between a worship service that “works” and one that doesn’t, and why we raise our hands during worship. The contributions of the group to the discussions allowed us to assess what we do and why we do it, and more importantly, if we’re worshiping the way the Bible indicates we ought to.

Next, we got an opportunity to practice worshiping God. We sang two songs with hands raised to bless the Lord and hearts seeking Him. There aren’t words to describe the beauty of what happened during that time of worship, the sound of God’s people exalting Him and singing of their adoration for the Lord was so amazing.

We meet again on Thursday at 8pm. In the meantime, be worshipers of God in everything you do. I hope to see you praising the Lord on Sunday morning at 10am (we also have pre-service worship at 9am, which you are welcome to attend).


UNleashed: Worship Bible Study
Thursdays @ 8:00pm
INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

Monday, January 25, 2010

UNdone: Mon. Jan 25th

Tonight we gather to give our thanks and praise to Jesus for all that He is, all that He’s done, and all that He desires to do in our lives. As we wrap up from last week and prepare for the coming week we choose to seek God’s will and understanding as we pray over the following topics:

Salvation in Haiti Titus 2:11-14

The devastation that took place in Haiti has caused us all to see just how jacked up things were even before the earthquake took place. However, we pray that the people of Haiti & the rest of the world would see that salvation does not come in government, commerce or even humanitarian aid, but rather it has already come in the death & resurrection of Jesus Christ our God, Lord & Savior.

Opposition & Faith John 10:22-31
As Christians we understand that opposition and persecution will come. Unfortunately, often we see that it comes in the form of those who call themselves believers, and many times people we love. However, we must remain steadfast in our Faith, and continue to move forward in the way of the Lord.

We recognize that life is hard and the life of a Christian is even harder. This is why we take prayer requests so that we can hold one another up & pray together as a family. As well as individually pray for one another during a time of personal prayer.

We hope that you will join us this Monday night as we humble ourselves before God and seek to become UNdone by the Holy Spirit of Jesus the Messiah.

UNdone: Prayer
Monday Night @ 7pm

INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

Breaking Free Recap: Week 1

Thursday evening, the ladies of FHCC began the newest of Beth Moore’s Bible studies. We had a seat, said a quick prayer, and launched into a video series where a woman about my mother’s age with big blonde hair and a Southern twang discussed “breaking free” from shackles that keep us from being the woman God has called us to be. If I can be candid, the title “Breaking Free” didn’t exactly give me goosebumps of excitement. “I live in America, ‘land of the free,’ and I’m actively serving the Lord. This is probably going to be great for someone else, but how in the world is this going to apply to me?” I wondered.

Then, we cracked open our Bibles and read Isaiah 61:1-3. I tell you, my highlighter could not keep up. Bringing good news to the poor, binding up the brokenhearted, and bringing comfort to those who mourn are things any Christian woman can relate to, because we all hurt, and if you’re not hurting right now, one day you will. Whether the things that bind us are obvious addictions or something a little easier to conceal, we need to come to terms with our current state of oppression, because there is something in every Christian’s life that is hindering your relationship with the Lord. We looked at the call of Gideon (one of my all-time favorite Bible heroes) in Judges 6, and as Beth pointed out in the video, “if we don’t seek freedom, we will seek shelter.” But hiding from our oppressor isn’t the answer, is it? We need to be liberated.
This morning I was reflecting on the lesson, and as out-of-left-field as it sounds, I started thinking of the scene in Disney’s “Pinocchio” where our protagonist puppet is singing “I’ve got no strings on me!” While Pinocchio may not have strings, as the other puppets do, he’s still a puppet. He’s not fully realizing the dream Geppetto had of him being “a real boy”, and while he may talk, walk, go to school, and otherwise behave like any other kid, he’s still made of wood. I wonder how many Christians settle for having “no strings” and never become what their Creator desires them to be.

The homework in Beth’s book is no joke. It is not something you can knock out in five minutes, it’s challenging. It’s going to take some serious dedication to get it done every day for the next ten weeks, but honestly, you can’t win a battle unless you fight, and we’re fighting for our freedom. So for all the women who came on Thursday, email one of your sisters and tell them you did your homework and check up to see if they did theirs; accountability is critical. If you missed this week’s class, it’s not too late to join us, and I know that no matter where you’re at in your walk, this class is applicable to you and it is worth your time. No more hiding, let’s allow God to make us warriors so we can “Break Free.”


Break Free: Women's Bible Study
Thursday Nights @ 6:30pm
INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram)

UNplugged Preview

Today in NYC, it feels no less than a Hurricane has come to town. It is wet, windy and down right miserable outside, and all of us are feeling a little case of "cabin fever." The solution? Get dressed and bust it on down to UNplugged tonight for a killer Bible study on Genesis chapter 24.

After three weeks getting to know the servant, the girl, and the in-laws, it all comes down to this: the wedding between Isaac and Rebekah. Despite all odds and obstacles, the Lord has prevailed and united these two complete strangers in matrimony for the sake of His covenant with the world. Yes, these two love birds are not some imaginary, far removed from our lives, individuals. Instead, Isaac and Rebekah serve as great-great-grandparents to all of us who are called, "Christians," by the grace of God.

So, grab a buddy and make plans to join us tonight for the conclusion of Genesis chapter 24: The Wedding of Isaac and Rebekah. Learn how God deals with obstacles to His will, and how we can do likewise for our benefit and His glory. I guarantee you will have an awesome time!

UNplugged: Interactive Church
Monday Nights @ 8pm

INSIDE FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Sunday Preview

Wedding Bells are Ringing!

Time to wrap up Genesis chapter 24 this week and finally witness the wedding of the Promised Son, Isaac, to his divinely chosen bride, Rebekah. After a long and tumultuous journey, the faithful servant has finally secured the hand of Rebekah from her family and is now preparing for the ride back home with Rebekah. But wait, an objection has arisen from dear brother Laban and his mother. It appears that they are no longer thrilled with the idea of their daughter leaving so soon. What is the faithful servant of Abraham to do now? And even if he can secure Rebekah, what does that really guarantee; he still needs to get her home to Isaac. What is Isaac doesn't like her? What is Rebekah won't like Isaac? What security do we have that this marriage will actually work!?!

Join us this Sunday as we take a long hard looking at what it means to walk in the will and blessing of God. There will always be objections and naysayers in this life, especially for those who chose to live by faith, but God has called us to have Faith in Him. Every marriage, likewise, will always have moments of uncertainty, but its success should not. Come learn with us how God's example in Genesis 24 gives hopes and direction to not only marriage relationship, but ultimately our relationship with Jesus. This message is for you!

Genesis: Book of Beginnings
Sundays @ 10am INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater
Mondays @ 8pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Being the Church in Haiti

This Sunday Forest Hills Community Church will be taking a special offering for Haiti. After much prayer and research, we believe wholeheartedly that God desires for us to partner with the unique and dynamic ministry, Churches Helping Below is a statement from their website, and I pray that you take some time before this Sunday and ask the Spirit what amount He is calling you to give to HIS church in Haiti.

Churches Helping Churches was created to address the immediate and long-term needs of churches when disaster befalls a country, region, city, or people in the spirit of Galatians 6:10—“…let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”

Our help complements the initial waves of humanitarian aid that pour into a country in the wake of a disaster. Many countries have relied on networks of local churches to be a primary conduit for the flow of health care, humanitarian aid, and even education. Rebuilding churches is a means of restoring infrastructure in a country through which aid can flow into local communities which so desperately need it.

Both throughout history and following specific tragedies it is often the local church that cares for widows, orphans, and the poor. It is the church who performs the funerals, grief counseling and spiritual follow up with families of victims. Rebuilding local churches helps address the practical and spiritual needs of a country, one person, one neighborhood, and one community at a time.

When the magnitude of a catastrophe can be described as “biblical,” it is the local church that reminds people that another biblical concept is even more powerful: hope in Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Joy for Haiti

This past week we have been praying and working with the Assemblies of God and other ministries to discern where the help is needed the most and when. Typically, it is not the initial support that is most beneficial, but rather than support that comes months after the tragedy when the "shock" has worn off and reality becomes clearer.

Our initial response to the Haiti earthquake will take place this Sunday, January 24th, with a special offering to help secure shelter, food & the Gospel to the survivors. All donations will be handled through the Assemblies of God Disaster Relief Program (Convoy of Hope) and

We hope to have a long term plan of action in the coming weeks.

Thank you for your compassion and questions.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Undone: Prayer

This Monday we are getting together to give our thanks and praise to Jesus the Messiah for all that He is, all that He’s done, and all that He desires to do in our lives. As we wrap up from last week and prepare for the coming week we choose to seek God’s will and understanding as we pray over the following topics:

Why do we go to church?
For many church is viewed as a social gathering, or place where we go to seek personal gain through blessings, comfort and relaxation. For some it’s a time of entertainment with readings, encouraging speeches and music. And for others it’s simply a ritualistic tradition that people follow because their parents did it. Therefore they do it as well but they never actually see the truth of why we go to church. Ultimately, we see church as something we do for our own sake. However, that’s not why we should go to church.

Church was created by God for God and it is not made up of 4 walls, a roof, and some chairs; it’s made up of body of believers, people. And these people go to church to see Jesus, to be taught by Jesus, and to worship Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit for the glory of God. Our prayer is that we would all realize that and come to church with the right motives and intentions, with the purpose of serving & worship God as children in the house of the LORD.

Women’s Bible Study
This Thursday at 6:30pm at our Campus location we’re kicking up a NEW Women’s Bible Study. We will be praying for women of all ages, races, cultures & religions to come on in and break free! Every woman on earth has a clear and high calling and it’s found in the word of God. Proverbs 31:10-31

UNleashed: Bible Study on Understanding Worship
We are also starting up another NEW Bible Study called UNleashed this Thursday at 8:00pm at our Campus location. The purpose is to understand worship, who we worship, how we worship and the reasons why. Our prayer is that we would be people who live a life of worship with all things pointing to God. Whether it’s our jobs, our families, our finances, or our recreational time, everything we do, every response we have, & every decision we make would be with the intention of showing just how much we love Jesus.
Psalm 149:1-6a

We recognize that life is hard and the life of a Christian is even harder. This is why we take prayer requests so that we can hold one another up & pray together as a family. As well as individually pray for one another during a time of personal prayer.

We hope that you will join us this Monday night as we humble ourselves before God and seek to become UNdone by the Holy Spirit of Jesus the Messiah.

UNdone: Prayer
Monday Nights @ 7pm
INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

PS> Email your prayer requests here:

UNplugged Preview

This week we jump into our third installment of Genesis 24. With the girl of Abraham's prayers now located, it is time to approach her on the matter of marriage. But before that can even occur, the servant first feels the need to meet the in-laws.

As imagined, they are a lively bunch, led by an ambitious brother named Laban. Yet, rather than be intimidated by this outspoken hotshot, the wise and prudent servant gets right down to business. Strategically selecting which details concerning his master and quest to disclose, the servant gives a convincing and powerful rendition of the days requests, and the family ends up releasing Rebekah into the service of the servant. But, how did he do it? How does a nobody show up out of nowhere and get the crown jewel of the family? The answer: powerful preaching!

Join us tonight as we examine the biblical principals of preaching. All of us desire that others come to know Jesus, but for many that desire never materializes into anything but a prayer. God wants us to be "preachers"--and effective preachers at that. So grab your Bible and metrocard, and make plans to join us tonight at 8pm. No excuses, preacher!

UNplugged: Interactive Bible Study
Monday Nights @ 8pm
INSIDE the FHCC Campus
(6708 Ingram St. Forest Hills)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Breaking Free

Like many of you, we have watched the coverage of the Haitian earthquake with compassion, prayers for those who are suffering, and a desire to help in any way possible. Two nights ago, an unusual aspect of this story caught our attention on the evening news. Apparently, one of Haiti's major prisons is located near the capital, Port Au Prince, which was also the near-epicenter of this quake. With buildings and security measures devastated, the prisoners took advantage of the situation and escaped, disappearing into the masses. It is a troubling aspect of an already heartbreaking story.

Contemplating this situation caused me to wonder what it must have been like from the prisoners' perspectives... Can you imagine seeing an opportunity to escape all restraint and bondage? Can you imagine having the chance to regain lost liberties and privileges? Can you imagine actually experiencing freedom after so long?

The women of FHCC have the opportunity to do just that. Ladies, you may be struggling with past failures, current temptations, or problematic circumstances. ANYTHING that is hindering you from personal peace and fulfillment or from victorious spiritual growth is keeping you in bondage. And spiritual bondage is far more serious than any physical captivity!

Isaiah 61:1-4 says that the Lord desires to bind the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for those in bondage, to comfort those who mourn, to replace despair with praise, and so much more. Join us Thursdays at 6:30, beginning January 21st, as Beth Moore leads us in "Breaking Free," a study of Isaiah 61 that will give you the keys to a victorious life of freedom and growth in the Lord.

- Christine

Women's Bible Study
Thursday Nights @ 6:30pm
INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

*Order your Breaking Free workbook through FHCC for only $15. Contact Monica or Cathi by Sunday, January 17th to order.

Sunday Preview

This Sunday we continue our reading of chapter 24 inside of Genesis. Specifically, we will be looking at verses 29-51, where Abraham's bride-seeking servant meets the family of Rebekah, the girl he met previously at the well. What we will see in our text is a servant on mission for his master. He disregards all culture and protocol, and gets right into the purpose for his journey: the selection of a bride for Isaac. He then goes on to tell the story of how he got from Canaan to the city of Nahor, almost a 1,000 miles away. Yet, rather than tell a verbatim telling of history, he selects the subjects and timing of events to reveal to his hosts.

Not only does this passage show us how to live in relation to God, but also how couples are to interact with their In-Laws.

It will be a lot of fun!!

Genesis: Book of Beginnings
Sundays @ 10am
INSIDE Midway Movie Theater

Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Worship Bible Study

If you were asked to define “worship”, you would probably describe a sing-along musical event that occurs every Sunday morning. You might include prayer in your description, if you really, really thought about it. The problem with this definition of worship is that it’s only a fraction of the truth. The idea that worship is limited to musical applications is similar to saying that your heart only beats when you’re taking your pulse. The fact of the matter is everything we do is an act of worship, either to God, or to someone else.

Let’s imagine that you’ve just recently decided to follow Jesus. The question you may be asking is “okay, I’m saved… now what?” You need to figure out how to serve the Lord according to His Word, not someone’s whims.

Now let’s say you’ve been a Christian for years. You’ve served faithfully and you know the drill. You show up, sing, pray, tithe, listen to the sermon and take notes, participate in communion. Does an attitude of worship extend to the rest of your life? How do you keep yourself from “going through the motions”? How much of what you know to be worship is biblical, and how much is cultural? That’s something to investigate.

Join us for a new discussion-based Bible study where we’ll discover how to live a life of worship according to God’s standards, and then have a chance to practice worshiping. If you’re a Believer, you’re invited.

- Johanna

Thursday nights at 8:00pm

INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)
Please contact Johanna or Cathi for more information at

*No musical abilities are required for attending UNleashed. If you are intereste
d in being a part of future music ministries at FHCC, your participation is required.

Our Response to Haiti

Forest Hills Community Church is currently working with the Assemblies of God World Mission agency to see how we can best help the people of Haiti. As you all may know, there are several Haitians in our congregation, and this tragedy really hits close to home. Please know that our hearts and prayers are not only with our people here in NYC, but also with their families in Haiti and elsewhere.

It is times like this where we are grateful to be part of a denomination like the Assemblies of God. As one of the world's largest missionary agencies, the Assemblies of God has numerous people and projects based in Haiti. We are working with them to discern where the help is needed the most and when. Typically, it is not the initial support that is most beneficial, but rather than support that comes months after the tragedy when the "shock" has worn off and reality becomes clearer.

We hope to have a formal response by the end of the week, both to our initial and long term plan of action to Haiti. THANK YOU for your compassion and questions.

Pastor Jeremy

What is UNdone?

We were very blessed this past Monday during UNdone to share with several first time guests the power of the Holy Spirit being displayed through corporate prayer. The night began as always with giving Jesus Christ all glory and honor with thanks and praise. We then followed by praying together on the following topics/scriptures:

Evangelism (1Timothy 4:1-5): As Christians we are all called to evangelism. Our mission is to share the good news of Jesus Christ to a world that is lost and dying. Our prayer is that we would all do this boldly everyday of our lives with everyone we encounter with out fear of persecution, mockery or suffering.

Fear (Romans 8:15): Fear is the product of self-confidence and self-reliance. As Christians we have been set free from this minimalist thinking, and have come to find true, unending peace in complete dependence on the Holy Spirit. Our prayer is that we would live every moment of our lives with complete faith in our God and Savior, Jesus. It is His voice and approval we live for!

We then moved forward by taking prayer requests from different people inside the church. Though most of us inside have only known each other from anywhere between 2 years to 2 minutes we quickly became one family united in Christ praying for each others lost family members, friends with cancer, neighbors afflicted by drug use and so much more.

As the Spirit lead us into a time of personal prayer and worship the Holy Spirit’s presence and power was so evident that those walking in began to immediately worship the Lord, some falling to there knees in worship. It was a truly magnificent display of the Holy Spirit that lead one of our Facilitators to a reading of Psalm 139:1-19.

God’s presence did not end there. The Holy Spirit was evident through out our following service UNplugged and through out the remainder of the evening.

It was truly an amazing night and we pray that you would not only continue to pray for these things in your personal prayer life but that you would also join us next week for UNdone.

UNdone: Prayer Meeting

Monday Nights at 7pm

INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

Time to Hit the Streets

We love Jesus, & we love what He does. He saves people!

Evangelism (telling people about Jesus) is not what we do; it's who we are as Christians. Therefore, FHCC will be hitting the streets this Saturday (Jan 16) and Monday (Jan 18) from 3:00pm-5:00pm in front of the Midway Movie Theater. No gimmicks, no "in-your-face-isms," and no bull horns; just people loving on people by inviting them to church.

Please make plans to join us this weekend, and sign up in advance. Just let us know which day you will be attending.

Date: Saturday, Jan. 16 AND Monday, Jan. 18
Time: 3-5pm.
Place:Midway Movie Theater
(Queens Blvd, Forest Hills)

PS> Monday is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. We will be holding a special outreach at this time & inviting people to the UNplugged Bible Study. Let's pray for a big attendance!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Life at the Sweeten Home

Ever wonder how the Sweeten family does the AM? Dixie recently came in an filmed a typical day for us. Apparently, they didn't like my pay scale, so they hired extras and actors. But, it's still the Sweeten household, nevertheless...

Joy Campaign: General Fund

2 Cor. 8:1-4 tells a church living in extreme poverty, yet investing all that they had so that other may know Jesus. They gave not under compulsion or guilt, but rather out of complete JOY!

As a church we are believing God to free us from secular thinking and, teach us to live in compete gratitude to God. We who are Christians, know that God spared nothing so that we could be free and in relationship with Him. In gratitude, we want to give all that we can so that others may come to know Jesus too. We are believing that this big "missional" force will come from the following four areas of church ministry: the General Fund, Local Outreach, Global Missions, and our Capital/Building Campaign. With God's help, we want to see more people come to know Jesus in 2010 than ever before!

This week, we are focusing on the Church General Fund. Currently, the General Fund covers the following church expenses:
  • Rent of the Midway Theater
  • Rent of the Campus Location
  • Utilities and Supplies
  • Full-Time Salary for the Church Administrator
Knowing that God has done so through these ministry tools, we believe that even more can be done with the following additions in 2010:
  • Additional Full-Time Staff Member
  • Additional Part-Time Staff Member
Currently, the church operates on a weekly budget of $1,750.00. To meet our Joy Campaign goal, our weekly income will need to increase to $2,250.00. With God's help, this is more than possible.

Ways to Give Joyfully:
  • In Person: give privately at any FHCC service or event
  • Online: give securely through the FHCC website (
  • Mail: give conveniently by mailing your donation to the church address:
FHCChurch, PO Box 4114, Forest Hills, NY 11375
Please make checks payable to "Forest Hills Community Church"

Thank you, Forest Hills, for giving consistently to the mission and message of Jesus' name!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

UNplugged Preview

This week we pick up where we left off in Genesis chapter 24. Abraham knows that his time is fading and that the time has now come for his son, Isaac, to mantle the covenant of God. Isaac will now serve as God's ambassador as he lives among fallen people in a fallen world. Much is riding on his life, and Abraham knows that he simply cannot do it alone. Just like his great-great-granddaddy, Adam, Isaac is going to need a wife to accomplish his God-given task (see Gen 2:18). Thus, Abraham commissions a matchmaker to wander to the town of his brother to secure a wife for Isaac.

Upon arrival in this distant land, however, the servant becomes overwhelmed with his task. How can he possibly find a girl who will meet the very specific and stringent requirements given? What if the girl says "no?" What if the servant makes a mistake? What if... The possibilities for failure are astronomical, yet this servant refuses to quit. Instead, he calls upon the Lord and relies on His character and abilities to deliver him and reveal this chosen woman.

Join us we look at Genesis 24, verses 10 through 28. Discover not only the incredible faithfulness of the Lord, but also the characters and qualities we all should be looking for in ourselves and our spouses. We promise an incredibly real and applicable discussion on where you are at in your life today. We'll see you at UNplugged!

UNplugged: Interactive Bible Study
Monday Nights @ 8pm
INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

Friday, January 8, 2010

UNashamed: Evangelism Preview

This Saturday our UNashamed: Ministry School returns in full-force with a 1-day intensive on the Biblical teaching of evangelism. From a secular perspective we all assume to know exactly what this means: a guy on TV preaching into a camera lens, a group of "Christians" standing outside a subway with posterboards, or worse case scenario, a guy with a bull horn wandering the streets. Either way, it is not a very attractive image, nor is it all that accurate to its biblical origin and command. The teaching and ministry of evangelism has been hijacked, and it's time to set the record straight! People do need to know about Jesus, but they need to hear in the methods and principals that God intended to accomplish this task.

Join us as we rediscover the biblical command and practice of evangelism. It is not a "New Testament" or "Christian" creation, but rather the original ministry of God since Genesis chapter 1. God is a "Missionary God," and we His image bearers have been called and empowered to partner in His labor. Whether you are in extrovert, introvert, college grad, or high school dropout; you have a gift and calling to share Jesus, and He is waiting for you to begin. He guarantees that your life and your world will never be the same!

Topics include:
Evangelism in the Old Testament
Role and Ministry of the Holy Spirit

Gospel Contextualization (
Preaching in a language people understand)
"Compassion/Felt Need" Ministry

Evangelistic Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Evangelism at FHCC

Tomorrow's class is filling up FAST, and only a handful of seats remain. There is no charge for the class, however, lunch will be provided for a nominal $5.00 fee payable at the door.

Class Schedule:
"Christian Evangelism" - What is it? Who should do it? How should it be done?
Saturday, January 9th
11am - 4:30pm
FHCC Campus

Enroll Now

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Avatar Hype

I see there is much discussion taking place as a result of the pop-culture flick, Avatar. A couple of us from FHCC took the opportunity this week to see the movie, and I would like to take a minute and clear up some common talking points...

First off, I liked the graphics...

Second of all, the movie was very "spiritual." The primary teaching regarding religion was that of a theistic/animistic perspective (there is "a" god, and all is a part of god). No wonder, since it is the primary teaching in our world today as made evident by the global environmental movement. (Remember, for a movie to be "successful" it needs to have GLOBAL appeal, not just American appeal.)

I believe the basic/core RELIGIOUS teaching from the movie was that each person's god is just as legitimate as another's god. There is no absolute god, much less a sovereign understanding of "god." Each person's experience, belief and lifestyle is just as valid, beautiful, and great as another's.

Thirdly, this was PRIMARILY a SOCIAL and POLITICAL movie, above all else. Do not miss this!

Regardless of the stupidity of movie, I am glad you all enjoyed hanging out together. It was a fun movie, and thank God there was no nudity, sex, or gore to make it unbearable. Let's just laugh it off and realize that we have a big messed up world outside our door to preach to.

Thank God we are saved!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

UNplugged Preview

Let's face it; dating is hard and quite miserable. First you have to find an attractive potential, then you need to examine their personality, then you need to examine your compatibility, then you need to struggle with the whole hormone thing, then it is on to the extended family and so on. And the whole time that these steps are occurring, you feel like you are walking on eggshells because the whole thing could fall apart at any moment and then you would be back at square one. And then the fear kicks in..."Am I going to be alone for the rest of my life?!? Why doesn't anyone love me?!? Where have all the Cowboys gone!?!?!" (Or something like that...)

This may be how the world dates, but it certainly is not how God intends us to date. Yes, dating is always going to have that emotional twist to it, but it does not need to be a Six Flags roller coaster. In His word, God has given us ample guidelines for how to date in a manner that not only protects us from some of the unnecessary evils, but also allow us to honor Him at the same time.

Join us tonight for UNplugged: Interactive Bible Study, as we tackle one of the most comprehensive teachings on dating and marriage. Like all of us, Isaac has approached that point in his life when he needs to be thinking about the future (i.e. marriage and kids). The problem, however, is that he is a lonely sheepherder, who is kinda awkward with the girls, and a prophesied Patriarch of God's covenant (in other words: He was a Christian in a land of non-Christians. Sound familiar?). Graciously, however, Isaac was not alone in his quest for a bride, but had a loving father and friend to intercede on his behalf. Through their Godly council, Isaac will not only secure a hot, God-fearing wife, but also be protected from heartache and sin.

Bring a friend, and I will see you TONIGHT at 8pm!!

UNplugged: Interactive Church
Monday Nights @ 8pm
INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

UNashamed Returns

This Saturday, January 9th, UNashamed: Doctrine's Class returns in full force! These comprehensive teachings on key elements of Biblical truth and Christian living have proven to be great ways to not only grow in your faith, but also share your faith with others. Many from FHCC, as well as others from neighboring churches, have made these classes a priority and are seeing growth as a result.

For our Winter Term we are offering something different from the way we did things in the past. Instead of spending weeks on a topic, we are now offering 1-day intensives. These 5-hour classes will feature five 45-minute sessions, provide period breaks and offer ample time for Q & A. Lunch will also be provided for a nominal $5.00 fee.

Class Schedule:
"Christian Evangelism" - What is it? Who should do it? How should it be done?
Saturday, January 9th
11am - 4:30pm
FHCC Campus

Enroll Now for January

"Church Government" - How should Christians interact with each other, both inside and outside, the Church? (This class is required for FHCC Church Membership.)
Saturday, February 27th
11am - 4:30pm
FHCC Campus
Enroll Now for February

Friday, January 1, 2010

Sunday Preview

This Sunday we are all invited to a wedding! The time of Abraham has slowly been drawing to a close, and now it is time for Isaac to rise to the occasion and replace his father as the patriarch of the covenant. And just as was the case for his father, Isaac's journey of faith is not going to be easy, nor will the covenant find completion in his lifetime. Isaac will need to father other children according to the promises of God. So, I guess he needs a wife, right? But where could such a woman be found? Poor Isaac is an only child, lives in a foreign land, and he's a nomad; not very datable qualities. What is a lonely patriarch to do?

Fortunately for all of us, God is in control. Through the leading of the Spirit, Abraham will commission the first ever dating service (kind of like eharmony without the internet). Composing a list of compatibility requirements, Abraham will send his trusty servant out into the world to find the perfect wife for Isaac. It will not be an easy task, as no mere common girl will do. This future matriarch must be a woman of faith, integrity, and service; she must be a suitable helpmate to Isaac. But, how and where could such a girl be found? Guess it is going to take a miracle...

Join us this Sunday as we continue our "Genesis: Book of Beginnings" series. As we begin our study of chapter 24, we will discover God's intentions for marriage, and biblical principals for finding and keeping the right mate for life. All people, both married and single, will greatly benefit from this week's text. Make plans to join us, and bring a friend!

Genesis: Book of Beginning
Part III - Abraham

Sundays @ 10am INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater

Monday @ 8pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus