Saturday, February 13, 2010

UNleashed Recap

“What has God accomplished in your life?” It’s a big question that’s asked frequently, and with good reason. The book of Psalms repeatedly instructs us to “tell of His wondrous works” (we in the modern church call “witnessing”). Many of the people who attend Forest Hills Community Church are diligently obeying that charge, sharing the stories of how God has changed their life with practically everyone they meet. Which stories do we tell, though? Do we tell the same three stories again and again, or do we see how God is working in our lives every single day?

To be clear, I’m not suggesting that you shouldn’t tell the testimony of how you first accepted Jesus. What I am suggesting is that you look at the many blessings of God and the protection He has granted you, and maybe share that once in a while as well. You see, God doesn’t just save you once, He keeps on saving you… which makes perfect sense because you don’t stop sinning altogether once you become a Christian. You are constantly in need of the saving power of Jesus the Messiah, and He is faithful to provide grace to those who come humbly with broken, contrite hearts.

But Johanna, UNleashed is about worship and you’re talking about sin and repentance.

Yes, I am. Remember, people who haven’t been radically saved by God can’t really worship Him. They don’t have any genuine reason to thank Him. Christians, however, have accepted salvation and therefore have every reason to worship the One True God.

One thing that I love about UNleashed is the discussion, and seeing you find practical application through the Word of God to instruct you in how you live a life of worship. This week at UNleashed we’ll be studying Psalm 105:1-5, in which David praises God for taking care of Israel, His chosen people. As someone with a covenantal relationship with God, what has He accomplished in your life?


UNleashed: Worship Bible Study

Thursdays @ 8:00pm

INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)