Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Break Free: Women's Bible Study

The topic is truth: your perception of “truth” vs. God’s reality of truth. We’ve been studying being set free from spiritual captivity, and a common hindrance to our walk with the Messiah is self-delusion. We deceive ourselves when we think we can manage sin; that it’s small enough in our lives that we can contain it, conceal it, or ignore it.

So how do we find genuine truth? It may sound like a Sunday School answer, but we turn to the Word of God. Beth was very adamant about the importance of spending time reading the Bible. She illustrated with a story I will attempt to relay here:

Beth lives in a part of Texas infested with rattlesnakes. Her husband insisted that she learn to shoot a rifle and take it with her on her walks around their ranch, lest she should come across a rattlesnake when she is alone.

She explained that if she across a rattlesnake, pointed her rifle at it, and didn’t load it with a bullet, she would be entirely ineffective at scaring off her venomous foe. Likewise, coming across another Serpent, one needs to be armed, ready to pull the trigger!

The Word of God is a mighty weapon, and no feel-good experience can replace its ability to cut down the enemy and reveal God’s truth. It’s critical to your spiritual health to read the Bible daily so you can defend yourself against the advances of the enemy.

Our “truth” is built on our experiences and our environment. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and His word never returns void. Remember that the Lord is more powerful to free you than your “truth” is to keep you captive.

“So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, ‘If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’” - John 8:31-32

See you Thursday,

Thursday @ 6:30PM

INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)