Thursday, February 25, 2010

Break Free: Women's Bible Study

“We’ve got to pray just to make it today.” MC Hammer sure hit the nail on the head there. The opportunities to sin are endless, we are pressed from every side with one temptation after another and as if that wasn’t hard enough, then we hear a voice whisper, “what makes you think you can handle this? I mean, look at your track record. Why do you even bother trying to follow God’s will for your life?”

Sure sounds like spiritual captivity if you ask me. We’ve been talking about it for a month now, and as much as we’ve learned, our understanding means jack squat without us putting it in action. As Beth Moore pointed out in our lesson, prayer changes passions. Isn’t that what we long for, to have God’s desires become our desires? To have our ways transformed to His ways?

Whatever area you’re struggling with, I’m begging you, get down on your knees before the Almighty God and tell Him what’s going on! Tell Him your fears, tell Him your flaws, tell Him your doubts. Don’t think for a second that the God who made you and died for you doesn’t love you enough or isn’t powerful enough to come to your aid. Jesus said “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10, ESV) Girlfriend, he’s talking about you and your life! He wants you to have a life full of His presence! Make sure you spend time reading His Word and pouring out your heart to Him today and every day.

(Also, do your homework!)


Thursday @ 6:30PM 

INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)