Tuesday, February 16, 2010

UNdone Recap

Wow! Last night was pure fire. The Lord was moving and speaking to and through so many hearts & minds last night. The night started out with a reading from Psalm 66 which lead us into an amazing time of prayer, praise and worship:

Shout for joy to God, all the earth;
Sing the glory of his name;
Give to him glorious praise!
Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!”

And we truly praised how awesome is our God that He does not hide His face from us, that He has given us all that we will ever need and want, from breath in our lungs, a heart to love, and a mind to think and discern His ways. God has given us everything we ever need. Not a single one of us has asked to be born. Yet God put you here out of His great love. So many of us spend our lives running from God and running towards the things of this world, yet the things of this world are fleeting. We are but ashes and dust. Everything that we long for will one day fade away but God is forever, and His love is eternal! We long for riches, wealth & fame while along the way we consume our life with sin. We ignore God and our sin yet still He loves us.

God loves you so much that Jesus came down to die for the sins of every man, woman, and child, yet we ignore Him. We take for granted all that He is, all that He said, and all that He has done. How many of us would choose to die in such a way for the salvation of the world. Even you are so foolish as to say “I will”, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God so none of us is even worthy to commit such an act. But Jesus, the God of the Bible is worthy of all praise and honor. Jesus is the way, the truth & the life. It is through his death & resurrection that we find our redemption and reconciliation with God. He has given us His word & His Spirit that we may know his name. How awesome are your deeds o’God!

You may not understand what this is all about but what’s holding you back from finding out? We use the excuse that we’ve been scorned by religion, but this isn’t about religion. Religion won’t save us from a fallen and broken world.

The truth is we don’t want to come face to face with our God or our sin because every single one of us knows that we are guilty. This world is the way it is not because of God but because of our own sin. But rather than walk in guilt and shame or worse run from and ignore the truth, will you come down to the Campus next Monday at 7pm and find out what this is all about as we become UNdone before the Lord.

- Anthony

PS> Please feel free to email your Prayer Requests to united@fhcchurch.com

UNdone: Prayer
Monday Nights @ 7pm

INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram)
