Sunday, February 27, 2011

Kosher Notes: Week 3

Week #3 of our KOSHER series examines the cause and reason behind the great divide between God and Man. Man was created to live in service to God, but something has gone terribly wrong...

Title: Separation
Text: Genesis 2 and 3; Romans 1:18-27

I. Man Lacks NOTHING in Fellowship with God: Gen. 2
Man was created in Paradise, enjoying the fullness of every desire and delight in the company of the Lord.

A. Intimacy with God.
God created man with His hands and His kiss (breath).

B. Physical Blessing.
Man was given a garden paradise to live in and enjoy.

C. Occupational Blessing.
Man was given a job that was impossible to fail at; he was the authority over all Creation.

D. Relational Blessing.
Man was given Woman (an equal) to help him and give him emotional and physical delight.

II. The Product of Man's Choice: Genesis 3:1-7
What does man do with the blessings of God; ignore them. Man chooses Creation over the Creator.

A. Man chooses Creation's Company
The Man and Woman choose to enter into a conversation with the serpent and both villain-ized God.

B. Man chooses the Wisdom of the Senses
The Man and Woman choose the fruit based on their reasoning, not God's.

III. Man Possesses NOTHING Apart from God: Genesis 3:7-24

A. Independence: v.7
Man went from being led by God, to seeing for himself.

B. Shame: v.7-8
Not only were the man and woman embarrassed in front of each other, but they were embarrassed to be seen by God.

C. Isolation
The man and the woman became estranged and hostile to each other, creation, and the Creator. Paradise was lost.

Conclusion: Sin is more than an outward act, it is a hostile desire (Gen. 4:7). All have sinned and are suffering it's consequences (Romans 1:18-27). We have separated ourselves from God willfully. Sin is not God's fault, it is completely man's choice.