Saturday, February 12, 2011

Kosher Notes: Week 1

Below is the sermon outline and notes from week #1 of our Kosher series.

Title: God Alone is Holy
Text: Isaiah 6:1-5

Introduction: Before we can reconcile our identity to God's service, we need to first know the identity of God. Isaiah's vision in chapter 6 offers a unique perspective of God, because Isaiah sees God in His context. Unlike other visions or manifestations, Isaiah is raptured up to a vision of God on His throne in Heaven. Isaiah is able to see the FULLNESS of God.

I. God is Holy: v.1-3
There is no physical description of God, only that He is Holy.

A. Holiness: Hebrew word, "Qa-Dosh," relating to a metaphysical description of perfection and transcendence. It is a material association.

B. God very nature and essence is Holy. Therefore, everything God does flows out of His Holiness. Examples: love, justice, mercy, wrath, etc.

C. Holiness v. Glory: God is Holy, and what He does is described as His glory. In other words, the experience of holiness is glory.

II. God's Holiness Demands Worship: v. 2-5

A. Worship Environment of Isaiah's Vision
God was found in the midst of His temple, wearing a robe, while the place was filled with smoke (incense) and the praise of worshiping angels.

B. Agents of Worship: Seraphim
These unique angels only exist to praise God. Their name means "fiery ones." With 2 wings they cover their face to shield them from the fullness of God's holiness. With 2 other wings the hover in constant movement/worship before God, and with the last set they cover their bodies in modesty.
These angels constantly sing one song with one verse describing all that God is and does.

III. Worship of God's Holiness Changes Everything: v. 2-5

A. It shakes the foundations of God's temple: It moves the immovable.

B. It fills the temple with smoke: It permeates everything.

C. It brings man to clarity and confession: Israel's best (the prophet Isaiah) is exposed an unworthy and sinful. Isaiah sees his and his people's need for God and His mercy.

1 - We are not worthy of God's good service or use.

2 - God is wonderfully transcendent; unaffected by this world or manipulation.

3 - The presence of God demands our service to Him be solely through worship (submission and praise).