Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Kosher Notes: Week 4

Week #4 - Man's Work of Reconciliation
Through the effects of man's willful sin, the harmonious relationship with God and man has become severed. Man has gone from being the glory of God to now being an object of wrath. Yet, despite this high treason, God grants man grace through His Law. The laws of God are not bad, but are a gracious gift to remind us of our need for God and the high cost of our sin. At the cornerstone of Law is the practice of SACRIFICE.

Title: Man's Work of Reconciliation through Sacrifice
Text: Genesis 4, 8, 22; Leviticus 1-6:7

I. Sacrifice as Innate/Fundamental Worship
A. Cain and Able (Gen 4:1-5); Noah (Gen 8:20-22); Abraham (Gen 22)

B. Immediately following the sin of Genesis 3, man is said to offer sacrifices to God.

C. Substance of the sacrifice is both food and animal: living things.

D. God responds both positively and negatively to man’s sacrifice.

II. Levitical System: Leviticus 1-6:7
A. Burnt Offering: Leviticus 1.
Olah – whole offering of an animal, consumed by fire
Makes atonement for sin & is an “aroma” to God

B. Cereal Offering: Leviticus 2
Mincha – tribute offering of gratitude to God, the first fruits of the land as an “aroma” to God
Acknowledges the covenant between God and Man

C. Shalom (Peace) Offering: Leviticus 3
Shelem: Wholeness, Fellowship offering.
The fat of the animal is the Lord’s.

D. Purification Offering: Leviticus 4-5:13
Hatta’h – Sin offering for unintentional sins
Atones for the sinner by the “sprinkling of blood”

E. Guilt Offering: Leviticus 5:14-6:7
Asham – Guilt offering for unintentional sins
Offering to alleviate the guilt of the person’s sin

  1. Sacrifice is necessary for communion with God
  2. Sacrifice is required for all people of every class
  3. Sacrificed brought God and Man into Communion.
  4. Man must acknowledge his sin & make effort to fellowship w/ God