Monday, February 14, 2011

Kosher Notes: Week 2

Week #2 of our Kosher series examined the identity of man at Creation in order to understand God's intent and man's original purpose.

Title: Image Bearing
Text: Genesis 1:26-28

Introduction: Our study of God revealed that man is unable to function in harmony with God's nature without destruction. God is transcendent and holy, while man is corruptible and sinful. Yet, if God is "good," then certainly He can only make "good" things for "good use." An examination of Genesis 1 is necessary to clarify our hypothesis and reason, and solidify our position on God's goodness.

I. Creation Before Man: Gen. 1:1-25

A. God creates freely out of His will: God is not under any compulsion to create.

B. God creates solely from His essence: God does not use foreign substance to create; everything is made "ex nihilio."

C. Since all things are created from God's will and essence, all things are declared "Good."

II. Creation of Man: Gen. 1:26-28

A. God interrupts the creation account, to announce a qualifying remark concerning man. God desires that all Creation know that man is special.

B. Man alone bears the title of bearing the "image" and "likeness" of God.

1. Image and Likeness refer to physical descriptions of physical objects.

2. Identifying the "image and likeness" of God God in Man:
a. Possession of a Soul, Body, Spirit, and Reason (Traditional View)
b. Ability of Man to relate to fellow man, other parts of Creation and God. (Relational View)
c. Authority of man to subjugate and rule over Creation and multiply. (Functional View)

3. Conclusion: The Image is not what man possesses or does, but rather IS man, himself. God established man as His representative to exist as His manifestation on the earth.

III. Relationship of Creation, Man and God: Gen. 1:27-28

A. Creation is put in subjugation to Man.

B. Man is in subjugation to God.

C. God rules and is manifest in Creation through Man.

Conclusion: Man was created KOSHER: existing in good service and harmony with God and His holy nature. God has blessed man, over all other parts of Creation, with this gift and calling. Therefore, man exists not for self, but for God. Man not only owes God gratitude for this divine calling, but also adherence to it.