Friday, October 15, 2010

Sunday Preview

This week we continue our Missions emphasis at Forest Hills Community Church. Last week we discovered what the mission was, but what about the application? What does it really look like to actually live on mission for God?

On Sunday we will share HOW to live on mission for God. Regardless of where you live or how old you are, there are certain aspects of missional living that apply to all of us. Plus, our good buddy Jed will be tag-team preaching with Pastor Jeremy. You know it is going to be good!!

Bottom line: If we really want our lives to matter, then we must begin living every moment for the glory of God.

See you this weekend for church!

Missions 101: Missions Emphasis
Sunday AM INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater
Monday PM INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)