Thursday, October 7, 2010

Light the Night

Every year FHCC reclaims the day typically associated with evil and mischief.

Throughout the entire month of October, the church will be collecting candy and bibles to give to trick-or-treaters and their families. The campus will be converted into a place of games, entertainment, and information on the church. Our theme will be the "Wild West," so bring your bandannas and cowboy hats!

In order to make this exciting day a success, we need your help! While there is sure to be a lot of fun and laughter surrounding the day, we want everything to be about about Jesus. Please commit to not only donating materials and time, but please join us in prayer that many will come to know the LIGHT of the World!

You can drop off your candy at any service or at the campus during office hours. To volunteer, please email JOHANNA.

Light the Night: Halloween Alternative
Sunday, October 31st from 2-6pm

FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram)