Thursday, October 14, 2010

Missions 101

So much of the Christian world is not "Christian"...

This week we kicked off our Missions Emphasis at Forest Hills Community Church. It is always special to be a missionary of a missions endeavor, and then replicate the mandate of missions into new lives and ministries through that endeavor. It's just really cool to see the whole process go full circle.

However, as I approached the topic this year, I felt the LORD call us back to a fundamental definition of the word "missions." Missions is not something that the church created, nor is it something that Jesus began in the New Testament. Missions begins before the page of Genesis chapter 1. Missions is what God does.

All of creation exists for the mission of God: His glory. Man was not created by chance or without purpose; instead, he was created with the highest purpose of mimicking God and revealing His glory. Tragically, man fell from his glorious position through sin, but this tragedy did not eradicate his mission, or jeopardize the mission of God. God's mission remained intact and made evident despite man's sin, and in reality became an agent in God's glory. While God hates sin and its effect, His glory is beyond its effect.

The mission of God continued through Creation making itself truly manifest in the incarnation of Jesus Christ, the redeemer of God's glory to man. Through His glorious life, death and resurrection, Jesus not only proclaims the glory of God, but redeems men through faith to the position lost and abandoned by Adam. He restores us to our mission: reflecting and communicating God's glory.

When this truth becomes realized, however, a great pain rips my heart. If the mission of man is to proclaim the glory of God, then why is it that so much of what we do is masked in humanism or obscurity? Knowing that Jesus alone is the image and glory of God, then why do we do "good things" instead of the "best" thing: preach Jesus with clarity?

Missions is not open to interpretation...its always and only about Jesus.