Tuesday, March 23, 2010

UNleashed: Is God Messing with Me?

Often overlooked (even in women’s Bible studies, and certainly in co-ed studies) is Hannah, the mother of the prophet Samuel. Although her life and mine are millennia and continents apart, she is one of the people in the Bible I connect with, because I feel like her story is anyone’s story. Hannah wanted to have a baby so badly, and had a rival, Peninnah, who had everything she wanted and rubbed it in her face. While we’ve discussed infertility as a church quite a bit lately with Sarah and Rebekah, this story isn’t limited in application to infertility: it’s all about asking God and waiting on Him for something you want.

For whatever reason, more so with Hannah than with almost anyone else in the Bible, when I read Hannah’s story, my heart breaks for her. I just want to hop in a time machine and give her a hug! When she asks Eli the priest not to think of her as a worthless woman (1 Samuel 1:16), it brings tears to my eyes. This is the picture of someone who longs fervently for one thing to go her way, to not be second best anymore, to finally be considered a successful person.

Of course, the story goes on, and Hannah does get to have a son, Samuel, and she follows through on her promise to give him to the Lord, taking him to live and serve in the temple. While Samuel grows and accomplishes amazing things for God and Israel, Hannah’s story doesn’t end there. God continues to bless her by giving her three additional sons and two daughters (1 Samuel 2:21).

We each have dreams and plans for our lives, things we want to do and experience. The right house, the right job, the right spouse, the right church, the right friends, the right ______________. Many blessings fall into our laps; we didn’t ask for them, we are just pleasantly surprised that something works out in our favor. Then, there are other times when we endure hardship and longing and waiting for the blessing we desire.

I’ve often waited on God for His response to a need or a dream, and I realized that I’ll fall prey to the thinking that God is messing with me by keeping me in suspense. Of course this isn’t true, but how often do we delude ourselves to this mindset? After discussing this with my dear friend Monica the other day, she stated that God loves to surprise us, not mess with our heads. How true is that statement? God doesn’t relish in torturing us, teasing us with a dangling carrot. He loves us and delights to give us what we need in His timing and according to His will.

I don’t want to focus on the waiting period today though; I want to draw your attention to the response. Hannah prayed a beautiful prayer of gratitude, exalting the Lord as she gave her three-year-old son into His service (see 1 Samuel 2:1-10). Her dream fulfilled, her status increased, her faithfulness rewarded. Ladies and gentlemen, that’s how it’s done.

Are you thanking God for the blessings you have asked and pleaded with Him for, and are you thankful for the gifts that He gave you before you asked?

- Johanna

UNleashed:Worship Bible Study
Thursdays @ 8:00pm
INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St.)