Sunday, March 14, 2010

UNdone: Prayer Service

At Forest Hills Community Church, we love taking time out to talk to Jesus and thank Him for simply being God. It’s awesome to know that God is not some far off being, but rather is intricately involved in every aspect of our lives by the power of the Holy Spirit. To know that God desires to be united with his creation, and has come in the personhood of Jesus to simply die for us is an amazing truth.

I know that most people don’t believe these things, but let’s be honest; believability is not a prerequisite for something to be true. There are a lot of things in this universe that may seem unbelievable but are none the less true. The fact that so many people over the history of time have taken something that’s good and true, tried to manipulate it for their own gain, and then turned it into some thing less than desirable does not change the fact of the original truth.

However, the only way you’re ever going to know this Truth is by stepping out in faith, and asking the Lord to reveal Himself to you. Not from a point of contention or pride, since the maker of the universe doesn’t have to prove anything to any of us. Rather we should coem to Him from a place of respect and humility.

A great example of this is when your kids come to you with an attitude questioning your authority and your actions, while making all kinds of demands upon you. This type of questioning only leads to rebuke from the parent. God takes no pleasure in rebuking us when we approach him in arrogance. Therefore, let us come to the Lord in humility, asking questions and seeking answers with humility. This way God will not only answer our questions, but also allow us to experience His love and embrace.

Prayer is an act of faith taking place through a simple conversation with God. Jesus wants to reveal himself to you, but you must come to Him with an open heart; not an arrogant list of demands.

- Anthony Pereira

UNdone: Prayer Service
Monday Nights @ 7pm
INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)