Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hanging with the Hebrews - Part I

Many of the FHCC family have been hanging out with the local Hebrew (Jewish) population recently. This is because for the first time our church is holding a Passover Seder meal, and our people are seeking guests. They have many stories and questions as a result of these spiritual interactions, and it is a revealing a lot of what is right and wrong inside the modern church.

For many, this dialogue with Jewish people is the first time they have held a serious conversation about Jesus with someone of another religion. While this may seem odd or a bit of an overstatement, consider your own life. How many times have YOU had a pointed conversation about Jesus with someone who was of another faith? I am not talking about a passing comment on religious affiliation; I am talking about intentional witnessing. Chances are the occurrences are not that many, and here is why...

The fact is that we live in a "PC" world. We are told that certain topics and words are "off limits" due to the feelings of others. Our world has told us that Jesus,and the teachings of Christianity are to be kept private and personal, as they might offend someone who does not know or share this worldview. Whether we cognitively know it or not, the average American Christian has adopted this position as well. We may put up a "Jesus fish" on our bumper or screen saver, but we simply will not engage people on the key elements of Christianity.

While I am all for showing compassion to my fellow man, I can think of no higher offense than not sharing the personhood and teachings of Jesus with another, especially one who is another faith. First of all, Jesus alone is good! Every other religion teaches/relies on human interest and activity. People spend their whole lives trying to create perfection, create justice, ore create love, and all they end up with is rules, disappointment, class-envy and dictatorships. The story of Jesus is the complete opposite. Jesus is no mere man or teacher. He is God incarnate who chose to leave His home in heaven (where He reigns in a place of perfection) to take on the fullness of man. He did this for the sole purpose of dying in the place of all humanity for the offense that all have committed willingly against Him so that all may be brought near to Him in faith alone. There are no classes of people, requirements of works, or intermediaries. Jesus alone saves, and that is very Good News!

Second, to not share Jesus is not only offense to a world stuck in religion and self-disappointment, but it is also highly offensive to Jesus! When we sit silently and do not share the significance of Jesus with others, we are declaring by our silence that Jesus is not worth sharing. People who love baseball always talk about baseball; why? Because they love baseball and believe that it is worth talking about. Grandparents cannot keep quiet about their grandkids. They talk to every person they meet (young, old, married, single) about their grandkids because they love their grandkids and believe firmly that their grandkids are worth talking about. Jesus is greater than baseball and grandkids, yet we consistently sit quietly while the world goes to hell. That is offensive!

We've bitten the apple and have bought into the lie that God is not really God. For many of us, He may be "our" God, but He is not "The" God who rules and reigns over all. We've bought into the lie of political correctness and have used this excuse to hide our own shame, fear and disbelief. We've sinned, and now the world is dying in ignorance as a result.

Brothers and sisters in Jesus, let's get out there and preach! Don't just sit around and chat with fellow believers; be like Jesus and go find someone to whom you can preach. Be a Christian, and live life as a missionary. Be like Jesus, and PREACH because He alone is worth talking about.

Passover Seder
Tuesday, March 30th
@ 6:30pm
INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

RSVP: 718.274.7309 or