Thursday, March 11, 2010

One on One

We are really excited about a new ministry coming to Forest Hills Community Church later this Spring. Our calling is to not simply be people of the Word, but "doers" of the Word as well; and this can be tricky. The Bible tells us that the greatest means for growing in God's word and ways is to do so with another. Of course, large group meetings such as our Sunday worship service and weekly Bible Studies are great, but for many these are just opportunities to get lost in the crowd. For true and lasting growth to occur, there needs to be a way for personal accountability and support. To meet this vital need, the FHCC team has developed an incredible and personal discipleship strategy.

No matter where you are at in your walk with Jesus (skeptic, discovery, or veteran), a plan for growth will be offered to both challenge and encourage you to see more of God's blessing and involvement in your life and witness. Each participant will also be assigned a coach/supporter who will offer that "one on one" experience and devotion that is so vital to following Jesus. This new ministry is going to be awesome, and you will not want to miss out!

Discipleship: Mentor Ministry
Coming in April!