Friday, November 27, 2009

Sunday Preview: Nov. 29

This Sunday we wrap up Genesis chapter 20, and watch God use a pagan king to rebuke His elected patriarchal king. With the lie of Abraham now exposed to both Abimelech and his people, Abimelech calls on Abraham to give an account as to why he would lie and bring such evil upon the nation of Gerar. Yet, rather than take this fantastic opportunity to demonstrate Godly sorrow and repentance before the king, Abraham resorts to reasons of self-justification and blame shifting. Abraham fails miserably at both witnessing and obedient living before the Lord (Gen. 17:1-2).

You see, contrary to popular thought, the Bible is not full of "perfect" or "good" people, but rather sinful, hurting, proud people like you and me. No one is good, but God, and yet He faithfully chooses to pursue a people for His own. God does not reject Abraham as the covenant bearer and keeper, but instead actively preserves him and his family line all the way to the coming of Messiah (Matt 1.)

Join us this Sunday as Scripture reveals another clear example of the loving faithfulness (Hebrew: Chesed) of God towards a very unfaithful & unloving people. There is hope for you and me!

Genesis: Book of Beginnings
Sundays @ 10am INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater
Mondays @ 8pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)
iTunes "Forest Hills Community Church"