Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Pentecostalism gets it name from the events that occurred on the Jewish holiday of "Pentecost," as recorded in Acts chapter 2. On this day, the baptism of the Holy Spirit was first "poured out" upon all the believers of the Christian church while they prayed in the Upper Room following Jesus' ascension back to the right hand of the Father. Certain signs and wonders accompanied this act of outpouring, namely the ability of the speakers to speak the wonders of God in tongues (languages) not native to them. As a result, not only were the believers encouraged and empowered to witness to the hostile world around them, but thousands of people were saved immediately.

Yet, what was truly amazing, was that the events of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 were not unique. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit continued to take place throughout the 30-year recorded history of the Acts narrative. Every time the Holy Spirit was made manifest, church empowerment and the subsequent salvation of the Lost always followed. A hunger and dependency on the Holy Spirit was the "norm" for the early church, and the events of Pentecost were the "watermark" for traditional ministry. Sadly, with the rise of intellectualism and church systems, the believers dependency on the Holy Spirit's spontaneity and manifestations subsided. People began to rely on their gifts and abilities, and not His.

Greatfuly, God is not a God who can be put in a box or ignored. He is the same God that created the world out of nothing, and He is the same God that empowered the early church to cast out demons, heal the sick, speak life into dead bodies, and call the mute to preach! The desire and ability of God to fill His church with "power from on high (Luke 24:29)" is still available to all believers today. God is desiring to do wonders unseen and unheard of in our city, if we will once again hunger for Him and submit to His awesome abilities.

Pentecost was not a "once and done" event; it is the standard for ministry! The early church were not "super Christians," they were sinners saved by grace just like you and me. What God did through them, He wants to do through us. Will you allow Him the opportunity? Will you stop trusting in your strength, wisdom, or bank account, and instead come broken and desperate before the Lord with a cry that He fill you and use you for His ministry?

Pentecost is real, and it is happening...