Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Ministry

God is a God of order. This truth can be clearly seen and attested to through the Creation narrative, the marriage covenant, the Law of Moses, and the establishment of God's holy people, Israel. This divine requirement also carries over in to the New Testament church. How a church is governed, its leadership elected and administered, and the responsibilities of all its members is crucial for both an accurate representation of God and His salvific Gospel.

Tonight, we will address the biblical requirements for both church membership and leadership, the role of men and women inside the church, and the governmental structure that weaves all of these branches together. If you ever wondered how FHCC operates, or by what standards we adhere to, tonight is the night to attend.

For your added enjoyment, we will also spend significant time dealing with the nine Spiritual Gifts of I Corinthians chapter 12. These Spirit empowered gifts are the tools by which growth, unity, and maturity are to take place. Many wrong ideas and understandings will be debunked and challenged, while the truth of God's word will also set many more free to be used for His Glory.

See you tonight at UNashamed.

UNashamed: Bible Doctrines Class
Tuesday Nights @ 8pm
FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)