Sunday, February 27, 2011

Kosher Notes: Week 3

Week #3 of our KOSHER series examines the cause and reason behind the great divide between God and Man. Man was created to live in service to God, but something has gone terribly wrong...

Title: Separation
Text: Genesis 2 and 3; Romans 1:18-27

I. Man Lacks NOTHING in Fellowship with God: Gen. 2
Man was created in Paradise, enjoying the fullness of every desire and delight in the company of the Lord.

A. Intimacy with God.
God created man with His hands and His kiss (breath).

B. Physical Blessing.
Man was given a garden paradise to live in and enjoy.

C. Occupational Blessing.
Man was given a job that was impossible to fail at; he was the authority over all Creation.

D. Relational Blessing.
Man was given Woman (an equal) to help him and give him emotional and physical delight.

II. The Product of Man's Choice: Genesis 3:1-7
What does man do with the blessings of God; ignore them. Man chooses Creation over the Creator.

A. Man chooses Creation's Company
The Man and Woman choose to enter into a conversation with the serpent and both villain-ized God.

B. Man chooses the Wisdom of the Senses
The Man and Woman choose the fruit based on their reasoning, not God's.

III. Man Possesses NOTHING Apart from God: Genesis 3:7-24

A. Independence: v.7
Man went from being led by God, to seeing for himself.

B. Shame: v.7-8
Not only were the man and woman embarrassed in front of each other, but they were embarrassed to be seen by God.

C. Isolation
The man and the woman became estranged and hostile to each other, creation, and the Creator. Paradise was lost.

Conclusion: Sin is more than an outward act, it is a hostile desire (Gen. 4:7). All have sinned and are suffering it's consequences (Romans 1:18-27). We have separated ourselves from God willfully. Sin is not God's fault, it is completely man's choice.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What's it Worth?

I've been blessed by how well the KOSHER series has been received by both the public and our church family. Every week new people are coming to church with their KOSHER cards in hand, and every week more and more people are taking details notes of the sermon and coming back to report their friends and neighbor's response to the message. It has been an incredible work of God and we want it to continue to its maximum effect!

As you may know, twice every month FHCC designates time to do broadside evangelism. Typically, this means we take to the streets and try to invite as many people as possible to church through invitation distribution. This simple and effective means of ministry has accounted for the success of the church both in evangelism and relationship building in the community. This Saturday, Feb 19th, FHCC is scheduled for another opportunity to share the Gospel.

Please commit yourself to partner with your church family this Saturday and help us tell as many people as possible the God is real, that He has plan for every person's life, and it revolves completely around Him. Please help us share this message of Hope and KOSHER living!

We will gather at 1pm in front of the Midway Movie Theater to reach out the the people of Forest Hills. Our goal is to give out the remainder of our KOSHER invite cards and bless hundreds of people with free hot chocolate and the opportunity to know Jesus.

If you've been blessed, then won't you please bless another?

See you all at 1pm on Saturday.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Kosher Notes: Week 2

Week #2 of our Kosher series examined the identity of man at Creation in order to understand God's intent and man's original purpose.

Title: Image Bearing
Text: Genesis 1:26-28

Introduction: Our study of God revealed that man is unable to function in harmony with God's nature without destruction. God is transcendent and holy, while man is corruptible and sinful. Yet, if God is "good," then certainly He can only make "good" things for "good use." An examination of Genesis 1 is necessary to clarify our hypothesis and reason, and solidify our position on God's goodness.

I. Creation Before Man: Gen. 1:1-25

A. God creates freely out of His will: God is not under any compulsion to create.

B. God creates solely from His essence: God does not use foreign substance to create; everything is made "ex nihilio."

C. Since all things are created from God's will and essence, all things are declared "Good."

II. Creation of Man: Gen. 1:26-28

A. God interrupts the creation account, to announce a qualifying remark concerning man. God desires that all Creation know that man is special.

B. Man alone bears the title of bearing the "image" and "likeness" of God.

1. Image and Likeness refer to physical descriptions of physical objects.

2. Identifying the "image and likeness" of God God in Man:
a. Possession of a Soul, Body, Spirit, and Reason (Traditional View)
b. Ability of Man to relate to fellow man, other parts of Creation and God. (Relational View)
c. Authority of man to subjugate and rule over Creation and multiply. (Functional View)

3. Conclusion: The Image is not what man possesses or does, but rather IS man, himself. God established man as His representative to exist as His manifestation on the earth.

III. Relationship of Creation, Man and God: Gen. 1:27-28

A. Creation is put in subjugation to Man.

B. Man is in subjugation to God.

C. God rules and is manifest in Creation through Man.

Conclusion: Man was created KOSHER: existing in good service and harmony with God and His holy nature. God has blessed man, over all other parts of Creation, with this gift and calling. Therefore, man exists not for self, but for God. Man not only owes God gratitude for this divine calling, but also adherence to it.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Kosher Notes: Week 1

Below is the sermon outline and notes from week #1 of our Kosher series.

Title: God Alone is Holy
Text: Isaiah 6:1-5

Introduction: Before we can reconcile our identity to God's service, we need to first know the identity of God. Isaiah's vision in chapter 6 offers a unique perspective of God, because Isaiah sees God in His context. Unlike other visions or manifestations, Isaiah is raptured up to a vision of God on His throne in Heaven. Isaiah is able to see the FULLNESS of God.

I. God is Holy: v.1-3
There is no physical description of God, only that He is Holy.

A. Holiness: Hebrew word, "Qa-Dosh," relating to a metaphysical description of perfection and transcendence. It is a material association.

B. God very nature and essence is Holy. Therefore, everything God does flows out of His Holiness. Examples: love, justice, mercy, wrath, etc.

C. Holiness v. Glory: God is Holy, and what He does is described as His glory. In other words, the experience of holiness is glory.

II. God's Holiness Demands Worship: v. 2-5

A. Worship Environment of Isaiah's Vision
God was found in the midst of His temple, wearing a robe, while the place was filled with smoke (incense) and the praise of worshiping angels.

B. Agents of Worship: Seraphim
These unique angels only exist to praise God. Their name means "fiery ones." With 2 wings they cover their face to shield them from the fullness of God's holiness. With 2 other wings the hover in constant movement/worship before God, and with the last set they cover their bodies in modesty.
These angels constantly sing one song with one verse describing all that God is and does.

III. Worship of God's Holiness Changes Everything: v. 2-5

A. It shakes the foundations of God's temple: It moves the immovable.

B. It fills the temple with smoke: It permeates everything.

C. It brings man to clarity and confession: Israel's best (the prophet Isaiah) is exposed an unworthy and sinful. Isaiah sees his and his people's need for God and His mercy.

1 - We are not worthy of God's good service or use.

2 - God is wonderfully transcendent; unaffected by this world or manipulation.

3 - The presence of God demands our service to Him be solely through worship (submission and praise).

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Praise Report

This Sunday, Forest Hills Community Church relaunched in a brand new location to reach more people than ever. For the first time we are able to have a kids ministry and be free from competing business. Now all people may worship and come to know Jesus!