Monday, August 23, 2010

Recruiting Spectators

In keeping with the whole "sports" theme, I think it imperative to touch on one of the least talked about aspects of Christian fellowship: participation. So often the size of the church is emphasized and marveled over, instead of the number of converts or believers in its constituency. It certainly is wonderful when a church has the kind of influence that attracts a crowd, but if that is all that it does, then so what? Where is the purpose in such a thing? Where is the hope of longevity? The church simply serves as a spectacle.

At Forest Hills Community Church, we want people to "come and see" what God is doing. We are thrilled when the skeptic or person of another religion wanders into a service. We are ecstatic when an unbelieving friend/spouse is dragged to church, but we do not want these people to remain in disbelief or opposition to the Gospel. Spectators are welcome, but we're giving out jerseys!

If you've been attending FHCC for a week, a month, or a year and still do not see a need for Jesus, then please confront your disbelief. If you have a question, then please ask. If you disagree with the claims of the Bible, then state your case and set us all straight. But please do not sit back and simply cheer us on; it's killing you.

Their are typically three reasons why most church-goers do not become Christians, and each reveals a tragic disposition on the part of the non-believer.

1 - "I lack faith." - Perhaps the number 1 reason attendees do not become believers is because they feel that their faith to believe in the bible is simply too small. They enjoy watching others flex their spiritual muscles instead of doing anything with their own faith ability.

2 - "I like the Christian faith, but I have found my own." - I have never understood this excuse. If you like your own team so much, then why root for another that is diabolically opposed to your own. Christianity is not "pluralistic;" it makes no such claim that other religions are equal or legitimate. In fact, it openly criticizes other religions and gods as being works of Satan. We love people of other religions, but we realize that there is only one true way to the One True God.

3 - "I never really thought I could become a Christian." - As hard as it is to believe, some people simply have never been encouraged to leave the stands and put on a jersey. Too often pastors and friends woo the crowd or play to the existing team, never crossing the line and asking for recruits. God forbid this accusation be laid upon the church in Forest Hills; but if it has, then please forgive us.

The Gospel of Jesus is for all, and all need to partake and participate in His life and joy! Grab a jersey and bible, cause baby, it's time to hit the field!