Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Get Off the Bench

Benchwarmers. Often times these are the ones who got the "sympathy vote" to be on the team. They lack talent, size, and/or strength, but someone felt bad and gave them a jersey and some gear. The coach has absolutely no plans on playing them, and for that everyone is thankful.

Yet, there are also those benchwarmers who are benchwarmers by choice. They have the talent and ability, but because of their own fears, anxieties, or ambitions they refuse to get off the bench and put themselves in the face of confrontation. These are the ones the coach would love to see contribute, but sadly they never do. Meanwhile, the whole team suffers because of them.

There are a lot of benchwarmers inside today's churches; however, of there first type there are none. Unlike the wimpy or nerdy kid in Junior High who was the exception, in matters of spirituality we all are nerdy and pathetic. None of us in our own right deserve to wear the jersey of the cross; yet, God has elected us for His team. We are not qualified to contribute in our own right, but this is the beauty of the Gospel! The election of God not only gives us opportunity, but provides all the power to accomplish the task which He has elected us to! There are no wimpy players on God's team, only self-defeated and self-promoting side-liners who refuse to contribute because of their own agenda.

Tragically, the church today is full of celebrity players who care only for their compensation and satisfaction. Unless their conditions are met, they simply refuse to get off the bench. They want guarenteed stardom/success, the promise of not getting hurt, and a perfect record. They know this is impossible, and thus they sit on the bench, drink a cool Gatorade, and watch the rest take one on the chin for Jesus. Of course, when the team does get a victory, these egomaniacs join in the celebration and wait for their ring and photo-op. (I know some may think this is overly critical, but you know who these people are too.) Get off the bench, lean over the plate and take one for Jesus, bro! Advance the runner into eternity!

We love all members of God's team, but we all are suffering because of the foolishness of a few. God does not need reserves, He needs people on the field working sacrificially for His glory. He has elected you and He has enabled you. This calling is not of yourself, so that no man can boast (Eph 2:8-9). Get out there and start swinging!