Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Family Ties

This past week, we examined the debacle that was Jacob's relationship to Shechem. Rather than be a leader and caretaker to his family, Jacob cowered under personal fear and ambition as his family was humiliated and disgraced. Jacob's poor execution of masculinity and fatherhood did more than make him a stink in the nostrils of the community, it corrupted the character and fabric of each member of his family.

The historical family structure is not merely the workings of culture or evolution, rather it is a work of God. The preference for a male leader and provider, a supporting and care-giving wife and mother, and children who learn and submit to the authority of their parents all stems from the pages of the Bible. God has established order in all that He creates, and He does so for the betterment of His creation.

When Dad and Mom are fulfilling the biblical precedent, they are replicating Godly order and security for each other and their children. Love, respect, discipline and authority become visibly displayed and act as motivators for Godly behavior. Children will feel less obligation to usurp authority from Dad and Mom, and Mom and Dad will feel no need to compete with each other.

Exodus 20:12, "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you."