Monday, August 30, 2010

Special Night @ Campus

Join us for a special night of prayer at the FHCC Campus. All to often we get sidetracked with doing Christian things, saying churchy sayings, and just being complacent in our understanding of Jesus. God is rocking our world and calling us out of such!

As we transition into the Fall, the Lord wants to appreciate who He is, remember what He has saved us from, and embrace the call that He has placed on our lives. The opening message from our GROW mini-series was a solid punch to the wayward thinking of cultural Christianity. Our lives are to be about more than ourselves; they are to be about Jesus.

Join us for an awesome night of prayer and fellowship. Service starts at 8pm and will include prayer and music.

GROW: Prayer Special
Monday Night @ 8pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

GROW: Mini-Series

This weekend we begin a 2-part mini-series entitled, GROW. God has been doing so much in our church and community, but it is only the beginning. Being a Christian is not about choosing a religion, or adding Jesus to an existing life. Instead, it's about starting over, fresh and anew, to new way of doing and being. Being a Christian involves being "born again."

As such, it is imperative that every Believer maturity in his/her understanding and walk in life. One cannot simply have an encounter with God and then rest in that initial experience; there must be growth, discovery, and application. Such behavior not only spurs the Believer to greater enjoyment and fulfillment in Jesus, but other people reap the benefits as well. It is little wonder that the Bible often speaks of the Christian as a living fruit tree. When the tree enjoys the water and nutrients of the "Son," the tree not only grows stronger and taller, but others are able to enjoy its fruit and multiply its affects.

Forest Hills, its time we GROW!

Grow: 2-part Mini-Series on 2 Cor. 4
Sundays @ 10am INSIDE the Midway Theater

Mondays @ 8pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Get Off the Bench

Benchwarmers. Often times these are the ones who got the "sympathy vote" to be on the team. They lack talent, size, and/or strength, but someone felt bad and gave them a jersey and some gear. The coach has absolutely no plans on playing them, and for that everyone is thankful.

Yet, there are also those benchwarmers who are benchwarmers by choice. They have the talent and ability, but because of their own fears, anxieties, or ambitions they refuse to get off the bench and put themselves in the face of confrontation. These are the ones the coach would love to see contribute, but sadly they never do. Meanwhile, the whole team suffers because of them.

There are a lot of benchwarmers inside today's churches; however, of there first type there are none. Unlike the wimpy or nerdy kid in Junior High who was the exception, in matters of spirituality we all are nerdy and pathetic. None of us in our own right deserve to wear the jersey of the cross; yet, God has elected us for His team. We are not qualified to contribute in our own right, but this is the beauty of the Gospel! The election of God not only gives us opportunity, but provides all the power to accomplish the task which He has elected us to! There are no wimpy players on God's team, only self-defeated and self-promoting side-liners who refuse to contribute because of their own agenda.

Tragically, the church today is full of celebrity players who care only for their compensation and satisfaction. Unless their conditions are met, they simply refuse to get off the bench. They want guarenteed stardom/success, the promise of not getting hurt, and a perfect record. They know this is impossible, and thus they sit on the bench, drink a cool Gatorade, and watch the rest take one on the chin for Jesus. Of course, when the team does get a victory, these egomaniacs join in the celebration and wait for their ring and photo-op. (I know some may think this is overly critical, but you know who these people are too.) Get off the bench, lean over the plate and take one for Jesus, bro! Advance the runner into eternity!

We love all members of God's team, but we all are suffering because of the foolishness of a few. God does not need reserves, He needs people on the field working sacrificially for His glory. He has elected you and He has enabled you. This calling is not of yourself, so that no man can boast (Eph 2:8-9). Get out there and start swinging!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Recruiting Spectators

In keeping with the whole "sports" theme, I think it imperative to touch on one of the least talked about aspects of Christian fellowship: participation. So often the size of the church is emphasized and marveled over, instead of the number of converts or believers in its constituency. It certainly is wonderful when a church has the kind of influence that attracts a crowd, but if that is all that it does, then so what? Where is the purpose in such a thing? Where is the hope of longevity? The church simply serves as a spectacle.

At Forest Hills Community Church, we want people to "come and see" what God is doing. We are thrilled when the skeptic or person of another religion wanders into a service. We are ecstatic when an unbelieving friend/spouse is dragged to church, but we do not want these people to remain in disbelief or opposition to the Gospel. Spectators are welcome, but we're giving out jerseys!

If you've been attending FHCC for a week, a month, or a year and still do not see a need for Jesus, then please confront your disbelief. If you have a question, then please ask. If you disagree with the claims of the Bible, then state your case and set us all straight. But please do not sit back and simply cheer us on; it's killing you.

Their are typically three reasons why most church-goers do not become Christians, and each reveals a tragic disposition on the part of the non-believer.

1 - "I lack faith." - Perhaps the number 1 reason attendees do not become believers is because they feel that their faith to believe in the bible is simply too small. They enjoy watching others flex their spiritual muscles instead of doing anything with their own faith ability.

2 - "I like the Christian faith, but I have found my own." - I have never understood this excuse. If you like your own team so much, then why root for another that is diabolically opposed to your own. Christianity is not "pluralistic;" it makes no such claim that other religions are equal or legitimate. In fact, it openly criticizes other religions and gods as being works of Satan. We love people of other religions, but we realize that there is only one true way to the One True God.

3 - "I never really thought I could become a Christian." - As hard as it is to believe, some people simply have never been encouraged to leave the stands and put on a jersey. Too often pastors and friends woo the crowd or play to the existing team, never crossing the line and asking for recruits. God forbid this accusation be laid upon the church in Forest Hills; but if it has, then please forgive us.

The Gospel of Jesus is for all, and all need to partake and participate in His life and joy! Grab a jersey and bible, cause baby, it's time to hit the field!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

In or Out

Over the past 7 days, the Lord has been moving mightily in His church. It is not that the Holy Spirit has not been present in previous services, but in the past two gatherings, His presence has been unique. In fact, it has been supernatural.

On Monday, August 16th, at the conclusion of UNplugged, the Holy Spirit spoke through our closing prayer and invited people to step out and receive His gifts of healing, tongues, faith, etc. (See I Cor. 12). Several new people came forward to accept the Lord's salvation and healing. It was an incredible night, but unfortunately not everyone wanted to participate.

On Sunday, August 22nd, the Lord spoke loud and clear through the sermon that to attend church and identify with the Christian religion was not equal to salvation. To be "saved" means that an individual has let go of sin and abandon all aspects of his/her former way of life. Being a Christian is about living in the power and influence of God for the power and influence of God. In the case of Sunday's sermon, Esau was rejected by God because He refused to submit fully to the will and mission of God. Tragically, this same sinful behavior is present today...

No sooner had the worship service concluded, than did the Lord impart another emphatic call of action to His church. While Pastor Jeremy was attending to his duties outside the auditorium, the Holy Spirit enabled one of the women in the church to prophecy over the congregation. This biblical practice (see I Cor. 12 & 14) is not a regular occurrence for Sunday worship and certainly is not planned. It is possible only through the will of the Spirit, the enabling of the Holy Spirit, and the submission of a person to the Spirit's desire. All of these elements were in place Sunday morning, and the message spoken was incredible! Once again, however, many received the Lord's word, but just as many were eager to walk away...

God is not playing games in Forest Hills. FHCC is not a patsy, nominal Christian church. Our church is God's vessel and exists to serve His agenda through His means. We are humbled that three years ago He began a work and has sustained that work through challenges, personalities, and religious tendencies. However, now is the time to mature. Now is the time to actually do something. Passions, commitment levels, and personal witnessing need to increase regularly. We have done this at times in the past, but the participation of the church has been limited; this needs to change.

As we go forward under this holy "call out" from the Lord, it is imperative that we continue to live humbly, but also with joyful expectation and faith. God is going to continue to seek and save the Lost, but He also going to continue to seek willful vessels to fill with evangelistic power. Both of these types of people need to be willing to receive from the Lord in faith and humility. Christianity is not a spectator sport. It is a full-contact, 24/7 discipline where the buzzer doesn't sound until your dead.

It's time to get in the game...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Jacob Gets Sanctified

After a disastrous experience in Shechem, God steps in to redeem Jacob and his family from their sin. Jacob's life is not his own, but belongs to the Lord. If he is going to be used by God, and blessed by God, then he must walk according to the Lord's decrees. It's a hard lesson to learn, but after seeing what convenience and enticement can do your life, Jacob is now more than willing to live completely for the Lord.

This week Jacob casts down the sins of this world, and calls all of those in his household to do the same. Come join us as we examine Genesis chapter 35 at Forest Hills Community Church. Whether you are single, married, a parent or a child, the lessons being communicated this week have exponential potential to change your life. God knows you and loves you, but we must be willing to let go of the things that keep us from Him.

What do you need to let go of?

Beginnings: Jacob the Wrestler
Sundays @ 10am INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater
Mondays @ 8pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Family Ties

This past week, we examined the debacle that was Jacob's relationship to Shechem. Rather than be a leader and caretaker to his family, Jacob cowered under personal fear and ambition as his family was humiliated and disgraced. Jacob's poor execution of masculinity and fatherhood did more than make him a stink in the nostrils of the community, it corrupted the character and fabric of each member of his family.

The historical family structure is not merely the workings of culture or evolution, rather it is a work of God. The preference for a male leader and provider, a supporting and care-giving wife and mother, and children who learn and submit to the authority of their parents all stems from the pages of the Bible. God has established order in all that He creates, and He does so for the betterment of His creation.

When Dad and Mom are fulfilling the biblical precedent, they are replicating Godly order and security for each other and their children. Love, respect, discipline and authority become visibly displayed and act as motivators for Godly behavior. Children will feel less obligation to usurp authority from Dad and Mom, and Mom and Dad will feel no need to compete with each other.

Exodus 20:12, "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you."