Friday, June 25, 2010

Laban's Last Stand

I know that many are not history buffs, much less war history buffs inside the church, but we are all familiar with the infamous battle of Gen. Custer. He has the strongest military at his disposal, a firm understanding of the land and law, and vast number of soldiers ready to roll. Nevertheless, the arrogance and disposition of the General led to one of the worst defeats ever in American history. This week, we get to see a similar tragedy take place in the life of crazy Uncle Laban.
(BTW: That is Custer to the Right.)

For the past 20-years, the man has been a tyrant and thief to both his kids and son-in-law. Cutting corners, manipulating and discouraging, the man has stopped at nothing to make sure he always got the most for the least investment. To make matters worse, the man has always had culture and law on his side. Despite Jacob's consistent ineptness, there were moments when the man would at least attempt to take a stand for his family, only to have Uncle Laban cut him down on a technicality. This week, everything changes.

Join us inside the Midway Movie Theater as Uncle Laban gets rocked. As before, he will have the position, the law, the men, and weapons at his disposal, but he will be missing one key ingredient: a sovereign God. Fortunately for Jacob, he does!

Beginnings: Jacob the Wrestler
Sundays @ 10am INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater
Mondays @ 8pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)