Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Jacob Acts Like a Man

Chapters 28 and 31 are watershed moments in the life of Jacob. In each case, Jacob is confronted with the Word of God, causing him to take responsibility for his actions while confirming his call to serve the Lord with his full capacity. Jacob “man’s up” when faced with the presence and command of God.

God is not looking for the “best and brightest;” He’s simply looking for obedience. The slothful, passive, unresponsive nature of Jacob in both Canaan and Haran presents a vivid illustration of male humanity. Most guys "lead" from the sidelines; which means they simply cheer on others who are doing the work. God despises this type of behavior.

God’s intervention is never to call men to be creative or self-righteous. Instead, He calls men to simply model His leadership, love and commitment. Being a real man means being like Jesus. It is only when men receive this call that lost people are led out of bondage and into Life.