Friday, June 18, 2010

Father's Day

This Sunday marks the time honored tradition of Father's Day. As a father and Christian, I know all too well how the typical Father's Day works:

Option #1: It's "MY" Day, which means I am not going to church, but instead will do what I want to do. The problem with this is that it's nothing new. Don't most guys do what they want to do every Sunday?

Option#2: I want my Father's Day dinner, so I guess I'm going to church as a necessary precursor to getting the wife and kids to buy me lunch. This is a logical position, but not a very fun one. No one should spend the day begrudgingly.

Option #3: FHCC appreciates Men, and Pastor Jeremy will be talking about the Privilege that comes with being a man! Plus, Pastor Jeremy loves ribs and steak, and will be make a solid plea to my family to buy me a "man's meal" following the service! Now, this is a real and viable option. It takes the best of both world's (doing what you want, and going to church to get a free meal) and brings them together in a way that simply makes sense.

You will not want to miss church this Sunday at FHCC. We will be continuing the series on Jacob, and talking about the awesome gift that comes with being a man. Grab your man and we'll see you Sunday morning inside the Midway Theater.

Beginnings: Jacob - The Wrestler

Sundays @ 10am INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater
Mondays @ 8pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)