Friday, June 25, 2010

Laban's Last Stand

I know that many are not history buffs, much less war history buffs inside the church, but we are all familiar with the infamous battle of Gen. Custer. He has the strongest military at his disposal, a firm understanding of the land and law, and vast number of soldiers ready to roll. Nevertheless, the arrogance and disposition of the General led to one of the worst defeats ever in American history. This week, we get to see a similar tragedy take place in the life of crazy Uncle Laban.
(BTW: That is Custer to the Right.)

For the past 20-years, the man has been a tyrant and thief to both his kids and son-in-law. Cutting corners, manipulating and discouraging, the man has stopped at nothing to make sure he always got the most for the least investment. To make matters worse, the man has always had culture and law on his side. Despite Jacob's consistent ineptness, there were moments when the man would at least attempt to take a stand for his family, only to have Uncle Laban cut him down on a technicality. This week, everything changes.

Join us inside the Midway Movie Theater as Uncle Laban gets rocked. As before, he will have the position, the law, the men, and weapons at his disposal, but he will be missing one key ingredient: a sovereign God. Fortunately for Jacob, he does!

Beginnings: Jacob the Wrestler
Sundays @ 10am INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater
Mondays @ 8pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

FHCC Blook Club: July

The FHCC Summer Book Club rolls on! Please consider joining us in reading John Piper's latest devotional, "Don't Waste Your Life."

John Piper is a dear friend of Forest Hills Community Church, as his resources have been used and referenced in many Sunday sermons, bible studies and counseling sessions. You will be hard pressed to find another man who so visibly lives to know and please God. His life is a wonderful example to all, and his latest work offers simple confessions on what it really looks like to live for God.

Order the Book: FHCC is currently selling the book at cost ($10)! Reserve your copy today by emailing Cathi, and then pick it up this Sunday at the Midway Theater.

Book Description: In this provocative work Pastor Piper challenges us to set aside the trivial pursuit of self-fulfillment so that we can develop a deeper passion for God. Piper believes that if we passionately submit the sufferings we endure, the risks we take, and the goals we set to the pursuit of God's glory, then not one moment of our lives will be wasted. Don't miss this opportunity to rekindle your passion for the cross of Christ and the glory of God.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Jacob Acts Like a Man

Chapters 28 and 31 are watershed moments in the life of Jacob. In each case, Jacob is confronted with the Word of God, causing him to take responsibility for his actions while confirming his call to serve the Lord with his full capacity. Jacob “man’s up” when faced with the presence and command of God.

God is not looking for the “best and brightest;” He’s simply looking for obedience. The slothful, passive, unresponsive nature of Jacob in both Canaan and Haran presents a vivid illustration of male humanity. Most guys "lead" from the sidelines; which means they simply cheer on others who are doing the work. God despises this type of behavior.

God’s intervention is never to call men to be creative or self-righteous. Instead, He calls men to simply model His leadership, love and commitment. Being a real man means being like Jesus. It is only when men receive this call that lost people are led out of bondage and into Life.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Father's Day

This Sunday marks the time honored tradition of Father's Day. As a father and Christian, I know all too well how the typical Father's Day works:

Option #1: It's "MY" Day, which means I am not going to church, but instead will do what I want to do. The problem with this is that it's nothing new. Don't most guys do what they want to do every Sunday?

Option#2: I want my Father's Day dinner, so I guess I'm going to church as a necessary precursor to getting the wife and kids to buy me lunch. This is a logical position, but not a very fun one. No one should spend the day begrudgingly.

Option #3: FHCC appreciates Men, and Pastor Jeremy will be talking about the Privilege that comes with being a man! Plus, Pastor Jeremy loves ribs and steak, and will be make a solid plea to my family to buy me a "man's meal" following the service! Now, this is a real and viable option. It takes the best of both world's (doing what you want, and going to church to get a free meal) and brings them together in a way that simply makes sense.

You will not want to miss church this Sunday at FHCC. We will be continuing the series on Jacob, and talking about the awesome gift that comes with being a man. Grab your man and we'll see you Sunday morning inside the Midway Theater.

Beginnings: Jacob - The Wrestler

Sundays @ 10am INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater
Mondays @ 8pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Silly Pastors

Recently I had the opportunity to witness a pastor's conference, and as usual the topic was on "church growth." Now, there is nothing wrong with wanting the local (or global) church to grow. As a living community made alive through the Spirit of God (I Cor. 3), growth is the very thing that should be happening inside the church. However, what upset me was the attitude and solutions given for church growth.

Many pastors will confess that the number of people in the local church is important because each person represents a life being touched by Jesus. Well, that would be true if the pastor of the local church was actually preaching the Word of God. Tragically, the solution at the pastor's conference (and on every Christian bookshelf) was on what new words, ideas, and cultural tools could (or should) be incorporated in the local church's message to make it more effective at reaching people. Last time I checked, it was Jesus who said He was going to build (increase) His church and that His work would stand up to the gates of Hell (Matt. 16:18). Maybe that's why most large "pop-culture" churches are so theologically and spiritually weak?

All I know is this: Jesus is the answer for the world. If it was really all about souls as most pastors proclaim, then why not they preach Him alone?

God save us from our foolishness...

Monday, June 14, 2010

BE the Church

This past Sunday was an awesome day to be a part of Forest Hills Community Church. The day began with an awesome Sunday service inside the Midway Theater. The message was deep and "to the point," several new families joined us, and the majority of the church was decked out in their FHCC t-shirts, demonstrating how strong and united the church is.

The party then moved outside as the FHCC team hit the Austin Street Fair. Our church was so effective at demonstrating the generosity of Jesus, that they actually had to shut down our generosity! The cop0nversations with both the people on the street and the FHCC family were priceless.

THANK YOU, LORD, for an awesome day with your people!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Man Night: Dirving Range

Don't let your clubs gather dust any longer!

Be sure to join the men of FHCC for a night of "big driving." We'll be heading over to the Douglaston driving range to smack some balls and enjoy the company. We will meet in front of the Midway Theater at 8pm sharp!, and return before 10pm. Don't worry about clubs or a ride, as there will be plenty to share.

Help make the night easier for all by RSVPing right now.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer Book Club Update

Below is an except from FHCC'c current book selection, "Foxe's Book of Martyrs."

"...but he (Sanctus) resisted them with such determination that he would not even tell them his own name, his race, or the city he was from, whether he was a slave or a freedman. To all their questions he answered in Latin: '
I am a Christian!'" pg. 26

If you have not already done so, please consider joining the FHCC family in participating in our summer reading program. Each month a new book will be highlighted and discussed in various small group meetings and our Facebook Fan Forum. This innovative means of fellowship promises to not only grow your faith in the Lord, but also encourage you in your relationship with others in the church. Do not miss out on this great opportunity to GROW this Summer!

FHCC is offering this incredible book for only $3.00.

Please share your experience with this book on our Facebook Fan Page. (Once on the FHCC Fan page, simply click the "Discussions" Tab on the top of the page.)