Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We Must become Like Children

A lot has been said over the years regarding Jesus' command in Matthew 18:2 "to become like little children." Most have emphasized a need for humility and simplicity; others have picked up on the dependency of children upon their parents. Each of these understandings is correct and valuable; however, I believe that there is another directive Jesus is making within this statement, and that is a command to learn.

As a parent of three young men, I have learned that their trademark behavior is learning. Whether it is made manifest through the relentless asking of "why" or through the destruction and rebuilding of toys and games, my kids live to learn. They know that they do not have it all figured out, so they experiment and consistently come to Mommy and Daddy for answers. Perhaps Jesus is commanding His followers to become "students" if heaven is to be their inheritance?

Surveying the current world Christian community, it is obvious that it is suffering from ignorance. Christians are regressing in their teaching and appreciation of Scripture and have instead settled on mimicking worldly behavior and surface-level passions. The creature-comforts of a church are vastly more important than is Scriptural consistency. The appeal to man vastly outshines the church's effort to honor God. Nevertheless, the Christian community believes itself to be progressing and improving. How obvious these mistakes would appear if only those leading would return to the Word of God and its consistent appeal to the sole glorification of God.

This post is not written from a standpoint of arrogance, but rather a cry of humility. The ignorance of the church is leading to increasing arrogance, and both Lost and church-going people are continuing to suffer the effects of sin. The only cure for this dreadful condition is an education based and supplied through the Word of God. Let us once again become like little children and run to our Father for wisdom and direction. He who is wisdom gives freely to all of those who ask (James 1:5).