Thursday, May 13, 2010

Loving the UNloved

This Sunday's message is probably the toughest message I have had to preach at Forest Hills Community Church. The subject matter to which this week's text addresses is by far the most personal to many in our church and world. While it is true that every week's message is relevant and specific to our lives, every now and again, God will interject a message that goes beyond the "general" address and confront the specific sin of individuals. This week, God brings in a commanding case against our culture and world, and you will not want to miss it.

With that being said, I know that by now some have read these words and decided that their response will be the complete opposite of the desired response, and they instead will purposely sleep in Sunday out of fear of condemnation. Please do not make this mistake! God never desires to leave us in our self-condemnation, but rather seeks to deliver us through His Son and Spirit (Romans 8:1).

Please make plans now to join us this Sunday for church inside the Midway Movie Theater. We will continue the mini-series found inside of Genesis entitled, "Sibling Rivalry." I cannot emphasize enough the magnitude of this week's message.

See you Sunday!

Genesis: Sibling Rivalry
Sundays @ 10am INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater
Special Monday Night Prayer @ 7pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)