Thursday, May 27, 2010

Water Baptism Recap

This past Sunday we held our semi-annual water baptism service. And while it was our lowest participated baptism, it was by no means a disappointment. Despite only two men being baptized, the church was filled with over 30 first-time family and friends celebrating these two men and their glorious new life in Jesus!

It was a humbling experience to hear these men share what God has brought them out of, and what He has called them into. These guys preached the Gospel and provided a great opportunity for all who attended to respond in kind and make Jesus the Lord of their life. It was easily the best evangelistic service for the church to date!

The evening concluded with everyone enjoying Chi-burgers and conversation outside under the tent. Many new relationships were established and even more glory was given to God as the church shared Jesus in its own and unique way. Sunday was a very proud moment for FHCC and the Kingdom of God. Awesome job!!