Sunday, May 30, 2010

I Got Your Mandrakes Right Here

Everyone wants to know more about the special little drug-plant: the Mandrake.

Well, here you go: Mandrake Mania Website

By the way, please do not bring any mandrake to any FHCC events. It will not go well for any of us.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Cat Fight: Part II

This Sunday the Cat Fight between Rachel and Leah comes to a head, end even exotic vegetables will be drawn into the brouhaha.

As peculiar and comical as this whole story may seem, however, it is important to remember that this biblical account involves real people. Rachel and Leah are sisters who are at war with each other and are experiencing great pain in trying to secure their identity. It appears that neither will achieve victory, as each one sinks lower and lower in their efforts. Who will come to their rescue?

Join us this Sunday and Monday Night as we wade deeper into the story of Sibling Rivalry. When all hope seems lost, and humanity is at its worst, God comes like a White Knight and brings His redemption in glorious fashion.

This week, God wants to do the same for you!

Genesis: Sibling Rivalry
Sundays @ 10am INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater
Mondays @ 8pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Water Baptism Recap

This past Sunday we held our semi-annual water baptism service. And while it was our lowest participated baptism, it was by no means a disappointment. Despite only two men being baptized, the church was filled with over 30 first-time family and friends celebrating these two men and their glorious new life in Jesus!

It was a humbling experience to hear these men share what God has brought them out of, and what He has called them into. These guys preached the Gospel and provided a great opportunity for all who attended to respond in kind and make Jesus the Lord of their life. It was easily the best evangelistic service for the church to date!

The evening concluded with everyone enjoying Chi-burgers and conversation outside under the tent. Many new relationships were established and even more glory was given to God as the church shared Jesus in its own and unique way. Sunday was a very proud moment for FHCC and the Kingdom of God. Awesome job!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sibling Rivalry: Rachel

Nothing like a good old-fashion Cat Fight. As we move forward in the Genesis narrative, the events of Leah's life are going to be contrasted with that of her sister, Rachel. While Rachel might have the looks, the man, and the fame, all of these benefits are meaningless to here if she is not still outdoing her older sister, Leah. In the case of chapter 30, the objects of contention are children and this jealousy between Rachel and Leah is exposing all sorts of shortcomings in both their lives and Jacob's. Nevertheless, God's call and election on their lives remains, and it will be interesting to watch His redemption plan play out through their actions and the lives of their children.

Join us this Sunday for an explosive study on the Sibling Rivalry between Jacob's two wives. Whether you are a sibling or a single child, the values and lessons that God will reveal will cut you to the quick and place you right back in the center of His divine will for your life. God desires for us to live for His fame and favor, because He alone is the giver of life, joy, peace, and value.

See you Sunday!

Beginnings: Sibling Rivalry
Sundays @ 10am INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater

Monday @ 8pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We Must become Like Children

A lot has been said over the years regarding Jesus' command in Matthew 18:2 "to become like little children." Most have emphasized a need for humility and simplicity; others have picked up on the dependency of children upon their parents. Each of these understandings is correct and valuable; however, I believe that there is another directive Jesus is making within this statement, and that is a command to learn.

As a parent of three young men, I have learned that their trademark behavior is learning. Whether it is made manifest through the relentless asking of "why" or through the destruction and rebuilding of toys and games, my kids live to learn. They know that they do not have it all figured out, so they experiment and consistently come to Mommy and Daddy for answers. Perhaps Jesus is commanding His followers to become "students" if heaven is to be their inheritance?

Surveying the current world Christian community, it is obvious that it is suffering from ignorance. Christians are regressing in their teaching and appreciation of Scripture and have instead settled on mimicking worldly behavior and surface-level passions. The creature-comforts of a church are vastly more important than is Scriptural consistency. The appeal to man vastly outshines the church's effort to honor God. Nevertheless, the Christian community believes itself to be progressing and improving. How obvious these mistakes would appear if only those leading would return to the Word of God and its consistent appeal to the sole glorification of God.

This post is not written from a standpoint of arrogance, but rather a cry of humility. The ignorance of the church is leading to increasing arrogance, and both Lost and church-going people are continuing to suffer the effects of sin. The only cure for this dreadful condition is an education based and supplied through the Word of God. Let us once again become like little children and run to our Father for wisdom and direction. He who is wisdom gives freely to all of those who ask (James 1:5).

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Loving the UNloved

This Sunday's message is probably the toughest message I have had to preach at Forest Hills Community Church. The subject matter to which this week's text addresses is by far the most personal to many in our church and world. While it is true that every week's message is relevant and specific to our lives, every now and again, God will interject a message that goes beyond the "general" address and confront the specific sin of individuals. This week, God brings in a commanding case against our culture and world, and you will not want to miss it.

With that being said, I know that by now some have read these words and decided that their response will be the complete opposite of the desired response, and they instead will purposely sleep in Sunday out of fear of condemnation. Please do not make this mistake! God never desires to leave us in our self-condemnation, but rather seeks to deliver us through His Son and Spirit (Romans 8:1).

Please make plans now to join us this Sunday for church inside the Midway Movie Theater. We will continue the mini-series found inside of Genesis entitled, "Sibling Rivalry." I cannot emphasize enough the magnitude of this week's message.

See you Sunday!

Genesis: Sibling Rivalry
Sundays @ 10am INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater
Special Monday Night Prayer @ 7pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It’s the prime example of an underdog story. Little David goes against the big warrior Goliath. David carries no armor, no sword, has never been to war. Goliath towers over everyone and has the bravest, most decorated soldiers in Israel’s army shaking in their sandals. Yet, the young David shocks everyone when he is able to take Goliath out with a rock and a sling.

But David’s cunning, his courage, and his slingshot skills are not to be praised here. David doesn’t fight to prove anything. David doesn’t fight to win the coveted prize. David doesn’t fight to gain public support before he takes the throne. No, David fights to defend the Name of the Lord, and to proclaim His greatness.

If only I fought all my battles that way. If only my motives were always that selfless. How would I be different if the only fights I entered into were done with the sole intention of defending the Name of the Lord, and making Him known to everyone around me. How many petty arguments could be avoided, venomous words could be left unsaid, and how many more hours could I spend focusing on the things of God instead of tossing and turning?

Conflict can bring out the worst in us, but not if we remember that the battle is the Lord’s. Come to UNleashed and we'll discuss it all, and give you some time to worship.

- Johanna

UNleashed:Worship Bible Study
Thursdays @ 8:00pm

INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St.)

Monday, May 10, 2010


Be sure to join us for a special edition of UNplugged on Monday, May 10th. Not only will we be examining the wild encounter of Jacob with his relatives in Haran, but we will also be unveiling some pretty cool summer plans and book offers.

As Christians, we have a responsibility to be knowledgeable and wise in our understanding and practice. This wisdom does not occur naturally, but comes through disciplined study and devotion. The same Holy Spirit that inspired the 66 books of the Bible, has illuminated the hearts of Christians since the resurrection to write and live as shining examples of God's truth. Modern Christians have much to learn from these heroes of the faith, and that is why FHCC will be offering the 2010 Summer Reading Challenge.

Over the next 4 months, FHCC will be highlighting a book a month and offering the book at a discounted price. Reviews and thoughts on the highlighted work will be posted on our online community (FB and Blog) throughout the designated month to challenge and grow the quality of those participating.

Our first book is: Foxe's Book of Martyrs.
With millions of copies in print, Foxe's Book of Martyrs has become a classic of magnificent courage and faith. This unparalleled volume chronicles the tragic yet triumphant stories of men and women who faced torture and martyrdom rather than deny their vision of truth and of God. Beginning with Jesus Christ, this exceptional historical record traces the roots of religious persecution through the sixteenth century.

FHCC will be offering this incredible book for only $3.00. Quantities are limited, so reserve you copy before you arrive.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


We are currently looking for ministerial interns at FHCC. If you are sensing God's call into full-time vocational ministry, then we strongly encourage you to spend your summer with Pastor Jeremy.

This summer Forest Hills Community Church will serve as a training ground for ministry. Students accepted into the program will serve the church in a variety of capacities including: administration, evangelism, and discipleship.

In conjunction with learning the ministry side of Christian service, interns will also be required to undergo personal growth and development. Weekly classroom settings will take place where students will learn: theology, leadership, servanthood, and character development. These classes will be taught by Jeremy, academic in nature, and highly interactive. Students must come ready to learn and contribute.

Internship classes will limited to 10 students, and applicants must submit their application before June 1st.

Summer Term: June 28 - August 23
Fall Term: September 1 - October 31

Request an Application